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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: Pissing on Drug Warrior Graves
Title:US: Web: Pissing on Drug Warrior Graves
Published On:2009-07-10
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2009-07-11 05:19:17

Those who support drug prohibition are the best friends the drug
lords could ever hope for.

Drug warriors stand in eternal support of Osama bin Laden and
worldwide terrorism; they are the wind beneath the wings of the
barbarous cartels in Mexico and serve as home boys to the violent
gangs that run roughshod in our neighborhoods. Drug war proponents
have crafted policies that ensure ever increasing numbers of deaths
from overdose, street corner shoot outs and from diseases that could
have been prevented via a more intelligent policy.

In my work I have sought the answer to a very simple question: "Can
you name the #1 success of the drug war?" One would think that after
a hundred years there would be a powerful answer to the question, but
the truth is, from the drug czar on down through the DEA to the cop
on the beat there is no one who will answer, none willing to even
attempt to justify the horrors created by this policy of drug prohibition.

Behind closed doors, these politicians, judges and law enforcement
personnel agree, that the drug war is a failed, hopeless policy. Yet
when the corporate media puts that microphone to their face and turns
that camera on, they revert to cannibalism. In order for them to
thrive, they insist on maintaining the lie and continue devouring
generations of our children, for making the same mistakes they made
in their youth. (Right, Mr. Obama?)

Those who thrive on eternal drug war refuse to debate me, to submit
to an interview on my radio shows, to email or write me or to even
talk with me in public. They live in a world of lies, a mutual
absolution society. There is no truth, justice, logic, scientific
fact, medical data or any legitimate reason for this drug war to
exist. The main reason it continues is the silence of the lambs, the
populace so afraid to speak, so paranoid of the glaring truth that
surrounds us that they remain in the grip of a taboo so powerful that
they stand helplessly while the drug war devours our Constitution,
fills our prisons with our children, empowers criminals worldwide and
wastes hundreds of billions of our tax dollars.

If you're afraid to speak about the drug war at work, in school, in
church or elsewhere, you must educate yourself, embolden your efforts
and get off the couch to email, write, call and visit your elected
officials. You'll be surprised, they get it, they know the full
truth about this drug war, they are just waiting to hear it from you.

I'm finishing a new book and might I suggest you use it as a tool to
embolden your efforts: "This Is Your Country on Drugs - The Secret
History of Getting High in America" by Ryan Grim. Ryan has assembled
facts and history enough to give the reader new confidence and enough
backbone to do battle in ending the drug war.

Each day you remain silent, you reinforce and support this modern
inquisition and it's myriad and murderous ways; and we are once again
and so easily one day closer to the destruction of liberty, of America itself.

What do you want America to be, a land of cops, dogs and prisons?
That is where we are and will forever be if we do not soon sound the
alarm to prevent further damage to our nation from the policy of drug
prohibition. You hold the key; you are the answer.
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