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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: L.A. Is Trying to Weed Out Pot Sellers
Title:US CA: L.A. Is Trying to Weed Out Pot Sellers
Published On:2009-06-28
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2009-06-28 16:51:48

A city inspector dropped by the Bulldog Cafe Collective on Melrose
Avenue last week to see if it was still in business. It was. Inside
the spare, modern interior, dusky green marijuana buds were still
displayed in plastic jars. An owner who is often at the store tweezed
whimsically named strains into small vials for customers.

The store near Hancock Park is among the first 14 medical marijuana
dispensaries targeted for extinction by a City Council chagrined that
it allowed hundreds to open in Los Angeles despite a 21-month-old moratorium.

The inspections start the process to shut them down. At least one, in
Atwater Village, has already closed. But others remain open, weighing
their legal options.

City officials plan to decide this week on the next enforcement step.

On Monday, the council will accelerate its drive to roll back the
number of dispensaries, holding hearings on 29 more. "We were trying
to factor in a significant number so that we can make some headway,"
said Councilman Ed Reyes, the chairman of the planning committee. "I
thought we were going too slow."

As the council embarks on this effort, it faces some obstacles.

The task is herculean, requiring hearings that could easily tie up
the planning committee for hundreds of hours. The hearings have been
rocky, as council members have struggled with complicated issues and
dispensary operators have complained that they were being railroaded.
And, if dispensaries refuse to buckle, the city could face costly
court battles.

One of the Bulldog Cafe's owners, Anthony Folsom, said the rush to
close dispensaries would hurt responsible businessmen and Los
Angeles. "The city seems to be caving to political pressure," he
said. "People who are in it for the right reason are going to get
out, and what they are going to be left with is drug dealers."

The council wound up in this situation because it failed to act on
dispensaries' applications for hardship exemptions from the
moratorium. That inaction, which lasted almost 17 months, encouraged
dispensaries to open; the city attorney's office had decided it could
not take dispensaries to court until the council denied their applications.

In the last few months, applications poured in.

On June 9, when the council voted to stop accepting them, there were
about 550. The decision did not become effective until Tuesday. By
then, the total had hit 883.

"That's a huge number," Reyes said. "Thank God we stopped it."

The moratorium does not spell out what qualifies a dispensary for a
hardship exemption, and the city attorney's office has advised the
council only that its decisions must be fair and rational.

That vague advice led Councilman Richard Alarcon to warn recently
that the city could find itself snarled in lawsuits. "This is a very
dangerous road we're going down," he said. "It's going to cost us a
ton of money."

Reyes has held just two hearings so far, on the Bulldog Cafe and New
Age Wellness, a dispensary that has not yet opened in Venice. They
were marked by awkward moments. Council aides presented some
inaccurate and unverified information, and Reyes tried to silence the
dispensaries' attorneys when they responded to it.

At one point, Stewart Richlin, the attorney for New Age Wellness,
leaped up and cried out, "I'd like to challenge that. That's hearsay
within hearsay." He kept interrupting until he made his point, which
turned out to be correct.

Richlin and medical marijuana advocates were disturbed that Reyes
allowed most speakers just one minute.

"Gee, why should they give a full minute?" Richlin said recently.
"What if they gave 10 seconds or two seconds? Then you could give
your name, and they could say, 'Guilty, death sentence.' I mean this
is a kangaroo court.' "

Reyes made no apologies for the procedures. "It's not a debate. It's
a hearing," he said. "If it was a debate, I would never finish an item."

The council's decision to reject the applications from the Bulldog
Cafe and New Age Wellness suggests it is unlikely to grant many exemptions.

The Bulldog Cafe, which originally opened in North Hollywood, was one
of 186 dispensaries that met all of the city's requirements to
operate during the moratorium. But its owners say they were forced to
move by their landlord, who received a letter from the Drug
Enforcement Administration that threatened the landlord with felony charges.

The move required them to get a hardship exemption from the City
Council to be allowed to open in a different location.

"This, I think, is the classic hardship case," said Thomas J. Gray,
the Bulldog Cafe's attorney.

Many of the city's legal dispensaries, possibly more than 50, filed
similar applications when their landlords evicted them after
receiving DEA letters. The council appears disinclined to give the
letters much weight.

That dismays medical marijuana advocates who believe these
dispensaries followed the rules. "I don't understand why the city is
going to be hostile with them," said Dege Coutee, who runs the
Patient Advocacy Network.

In denying the Bulldog Cafe's application, Reyes noted that the store
had moved into the same block as the John C. Fremont library, calling
that "an overwhelming factor."

Cindy Chvatal, head of the Hancock Park Homeowners Assn., said many
parents whose children use the library and a nearby preschool have
complained to her about the dispensary's location.

The city has not adopted an ordinance to control dispensaries and has
no restrictions on where they can operate. But, Reyes said, "we have
enough common sense to know what we want and don't want."

The council is considering a proposal to keep them 1,000 feet from
libraries and other places children frequent.

New Age Wellness claimed as its hardship that it could not open
before the moratorium because of uncertainty caused by federal raids
and confusion over the city's proposed rules.

Its owners also said they are veteran healthcare professionals. They
said that they worked with city officials to plan their store on Rose
Avenue so it would comply with any future ordinance and that they
have spent at least $108,000.

"We have a lot at stake to lose," said Curt Moore, one of the owners.

But its location also sparked concerns. Neighbors were already
irritated by a nearby dispensary.

Whitney Blumenfeld, an aide to Councilman Bill Rosendahl, whose
district includes Venice, urged the council to reject the "build it
first and ask for forgiveness later" approach.
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