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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: OPED: Lawmakers Veer Way Off Path
Title:US NC: OPED: Lawmakers Veer Way Off Path
Published On:2009-06-24
Source:Smoky Mountain News (NC)
Fetched On:2009-06-26 04:46:18

Tube roses are little roses and pens in glass tubes. Also on the
legislator's list of evil products are cigar splitters. Splitters are
plastic tubes that split cigars lengthwise. Both are sold at
convenience stores.

Our legislators apparently believe that these products will increase
the use of illegal drugs. So the legislature passed "An Act to Provide
for the Regulation of Certain Devices that May be Used as Drug

Our legislator's fear is that drug users will use glass tube roses to
smoke crack or methamphetamine and cigar splitters will be used to
split cigars so they can be packed with marijuana. In the legislators'
thought process, this is reason enough to require these products to be
kept behind the counter and anyone wishing to buy them must sign for
them. It's pandering to the public for votes by bragging how tough on
drugs they are. Toughness, not logic, is the legislators' quest.

The bill defines a glass tube as an object which is hollow, either
open or closed at either end, no less than two or more than seven
inches in length. Which brings up the question of whether high school
and college chemistry classes' test tubes should be put on the
legislators' controlled paraphernalia list?

Here's a scenario: Let's say you rush into a convenience store and you
desperately need the key to the restroom. You notice a line at the
counter. Everyone is getting impatient because one of the local drug
users is struggling to fill out the paperwork to buy a tube rose. You,
waiting for the rest room key along with beer buyers, are the big
losers. A tube rose buyer is nothing but trouble.

Or what about the potential to create a black-market for tube roses?
Immediately the price of tube roses will soar and every child in North
Carolina becomes a potential customer for a dealer hooking our
children on tube roses -- or worse yet -- cigar splitters. "Psst. Hey
kid. Wanta buy a tube rose? No money. No problem. Take the money from
your momma's pocket book." Another child becomes a criminal.

With the passage of this legislation, we will need federal and state
grants for task forces witt multi-jurisdictional authority to go after
tube rose/splitter dealers. We could divert law enforcement officers
from duties dealing with domestic violence, child abuse, traffic
control, theft, murder and all those things which have a severe impact
on society. They would check the records of convenience stores to see
who is buying tube roses and cigar splitters.

The bill says that records must be kept for two years. Federal, state
and local law enforcement agencies can inspect the records within 48
hours of the sale. The owners of convenience stores are required to
train employees on the bill. A retailer or employee who willfully
violates the bill is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. The bill becomes
law on Dec.1, 2009, so there may be a rush to buy tube roses and
splitters. The best advice to the public is to get them now, before
the bill goes into effect.

It is encouraging to know that the North Carolina Legislature is
concerned with such weighty issues. But shouldn't they be concerned
with teacher layoffs, cuts to substance abuse treatment, health and
human services funding, taxes, ethics and common sense?

Shouldn't the legislature spend time working to create treatment and
rehabilitation programs for drug users? Or developing a strategy to
prevent drug abuse rather than the old, worn out, ineffective "War on
Drugs" that costs this nation billions and funds drug cartels and
terrorist groups? Sleep well North Carolina. Your legislature is half

The House passed the legislation (HB 722) March 23, and the Senate
passed it unanimously in early June.
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