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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Editorial: Legalize Marijuana? Not So Fast.
Title:US: Editorial: Legalize Marijuana? Not So Fast.
Published On:2009-05-22
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2009-05-25 03:29:13

Backers Serve Up a Timely Batch of Arguments, but Their Latest
Reasons Are Half-Baked.

The American movement to legalize marijuana for regular use is on a
roll. Or at least its backers say it is.

They point to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who said in
early May that it's now time to debate legalizing marijuana - though
he's personally against it. Indeed, a legislative push is on in his
state (and several others, such as Massachusetts and Nevada) to treat
this "soft" drug like alcohol - to tax and regulate its sale, and set
an age restriction on buyers.

Several recent polls show stepped-up public support for legalization.
This means not only lifting restrictions on use
("decriminalization"), but also on supply - production and sales. The
Obama administration, meanwhile, says the US Drug Enforcement Agency
will no longer raid dispensaries of medical marijuana - which is
illegal under federal law - in states where it is legal.

The push toward full legalization is a well-organized, Internet-savvy
campaign, generously funded by a few billionaires, including George
Soros. It's built on a decades-long, step-by-step effort in the
states. Thirteen states have so far decriminalized marijuana use
(generally, the punishment covers small amounts and involves a fine).
And 13 states now allow for medical marijuana.

Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), recently told a Monitor reporter
that three reasons account for the fresh momentum toward
legalization: 1) the weak economy, which is forcing states to look
for new revenue; 2) public concern over the violent drug war in
Mexico; and 3) more experience with marijuana itself.

If there is to be a debate, let's look at these reasons, starting
with experience with marijuana.

A harmless drug? Supporters of legalization often claim that no one
has died of a pot overdose, and that it has beneficial effects in
alleviating suffering from certain diseases.

True, marijuana cannot directly kill its user in the way that alcohol
or a drug like heroin can. And activists claim that it may ease
symptoms for certain patients - though it has not been endorsed by
the major medical associations representing those patients, and the
Food and Drug Administration disputes its value.

Rosalie Pacula, codirector of the Rand Drug Policy Research Center,
poses this question: "If pot is relatively harmless, why are we
seeing more than 100,000 hospitalizations a year" for marijuana use?

Emergency-room admissions where marijuana is the primary substance
involved increased by 164 percent from 1995 to 2002 - faster than for
other drugs, according to the Drug Abuse Warning Network.

Research results over the past decade link frequent marijuana use to
several serious mental health problems, with youth particularly at
risk. And the British Lung Foundation finds that smoking three to
four joints is the equivalent of 20 tobacco cigarettes.

While marijuana is not addictive in the way that a drug like
crack-cocaine is, heavy use can lead to dependence - defined by the
same criteria as for other drugs. About half of those who use pot
daily become dependent for some period of time, writes Kevin Sabet,
in the 2006 book, "Pot Politics" - and 1 in 10 people in the US who
have ever used marijuana become dependent at some time (about the
same rate as alcohol). Dr. Sabet was a drug policy adviser in the
past two presidential administrations.

He adds that physicians in Britain and the Netherlands - both
countries that have experience with relaxed marijuana laws - are
seeing withdrawal symptoms among heavy marijuana users that are
similar to those of cocaine and heroin addicts. This has been
confirmed in the lab with monkeys.

Today's marijuana is also much more potent than in the hippie days of
yesteryear. But that doesn't change what's always been known about
even casual use of this drug: It distorts perception, reduces motor
skills, and affects alertness. When combined with alcohol (not
unusual), or even alone, it worsens the risk of traffic accidents.

Would legalization take the violence out of the Mexican drug war?

NORML likes to point out that marijuana accounts for the majority of
illicit drug traffic from Mexico. End the illicit trafficking, and
you end the violence. But that volume gives a false impression of
marijuana's role in crime and violence, says Jonathan Caulkins, a
professor at Carnegie Mellon and a drug-policy adviser in the US and Australia.

It's the dollars that count, and the big earners - cocaine,
methamphetamine, heroin - play a much larger role in crime and
violence. In recent years, Mexico has become a major cocaine route to
the US. That's what's fanning the violence, according to Dr.
Caulkins, so legalizing marijuana is unlikely to quiet Mexico's drug war.

Neither are America's prisons stuffed with users who happened to get
caught with a few joints (if that were the case, a huge percentage of
America's college students - an easy target - would be behind bars).
Yes, there are upward of 700,000 arrests on marijuana charges each
year, but that includes repeat arrests, and most of those apprehended
don't go to jail. Those who do are usually large-scale offenders.

Only 0.7 percent of inmates in state and federal prisons are in for
marijuana possession (0.3 percent counting first-time offenders only,
according to a 2002 US Justice Department survey). In federal
prisons, the median amount of marijuana for those convicted of
possession is 115 pounds - 156,000 marijuana cigarettes.

Can marijuana rescue state coffers?

The California legalization bill proposes a $50/ounce tax on
marijuana. The aim is to keep pot as close to the black-market price
as possible while still generating an estimated $1.3 billion in
income for this deficit-challenged state.

But the black market can easily undercut a $50 tax and shrink that
expected revenue stream. Just look at the huge trade in illegal
cigarettes in Canada to see how taxing can spur a black market (about
30 percent of tobacco bought in Canada is illegal).

A government could attempt to eliminate the black market altogether
by making marijuana incredibly cheap (Dr. Pacula at the RAND
Organization says today's black market price is about four times what
it would be if pot were completely legalized). But then use would
skyrocket and teens (though barred) could buy it with their lunch money.

Indeed, legalizing marijuana is bound to increase use simply because
of availability. Legalization advocates say "not so" and point to the
Netherlands and its legal marijuana "coffee shops." Indeed, after the
Dutch de facto legalized the drug in 1976, use stayed about the same
for adults and youth. But it took off after 1984, growing by 300
percent over the next decade or so. Experts attribute this to
commercialization (sound like alcohol?), and also society's view of
the drug as normal - which took a while to set in.

Now the Dutch are finding that normalization has its costs -
increased dependence, more dealers of harder drugs, and a flood of
rowdy "drug tourists" from other countries. The Dutch "example"
should be renamed the Dutch "warning."

As America has learned with alcohol, taxes don't begin to cover the
costs to society of destroyed families, lost productivity, and ruined
lives - and regulators still have not succeeded in keeping alcohol
from underage drinkers.

No one has figured out what the exact social costs of legalizing
marijuana would be. But ephemeral taxes won't cover them - nor should
society want to encourage easier access to a drug that can lead to
dependency, has health risks, and reduces alertness, to name just a
few of its negative outcomes.

Why legalize a third substance that produces ill effects, when the US
has such a poor record in dealing with the two big "licits" - alcohol
and tobacco?

Parents need to resist peer pressure, too.

Legalization backers say the country is at a tipping point, ready to
make the final big leap. They hope that a new generation of
politicians that has had experience with marijuana will be friendly
to their cause.

But this new generation is also made up of parents. Do parents really
want marijuana to become a normal part of society - and an
expectation for their children?

Maybe parents thought they left peer pressure behind when they
graduated from high school. But the push to legalize marijuana is
like the peer pressure of the schoolyard. The arguments are perhaps
timely, but they don't stand up, and parents must now stand up to them.

They must let lawmakers know that legalization is not OK, and they
must carry this message to their children, too. Disapproval, along
with information on risk, are the most important factors in
discouraging marijuana and cocaine use among high school seniors,
according to the University of Michigan's "Monitoring the Future"
project on substance abuse.

Parents must make clear that marijuana is not a harmless drug - even
if they personally may have emerged unscathed.

And they need to teach the life lesson that marijuana does not really
solve personal challenges, be they stress, relationships, or discouragement.

In the same way, a search for joy and satisfaction in a drug is misplaced.

The far greater and lasting attraction is in a life rooted in moral
and spiritual values - not in a haze, a daze, or a munchie-craze.

Today's youth are tomorrow's world problem solvers - and the ones
most likely to be affected if marijuana is legalized. Future
generations need to be clear thinkers. For their sakes, those who
oppose legalizing marijuana must become vocal, well-funded, and
mainstream - before it's too late.
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