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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OH: Edu: Ohioans Support Medical Marijuana
Title:US OH: Edu: Ohioans Support Medical Marijuana
Published On:2009-05-20
Source:News Record, The (U of Cincinnati, OH Edu)
Fetched On:2009-05-21 15:22:12

Results from the University of Cincinnati's Institute for Policy
Research show that a strong majority of Ohioans polled support
prescribing medical marijuana.

The figures, published May 8 from the Ohio Poll, reported, "73
percent of Ohioans say they favor (either 'strongly' or 'somewhat')
allowing Ohio doctors to prescribe medical marijuana."

The poll was conducted from April 16 to April 27, using a random
sample of 818 Ohio adults via telephone.

The demographic reported to be most in favor of prescription
marijuana were respondents between the ages of 18 and 29.

Additionally, the poll found that 37 percent of Ohioans favor
legalizing all marijuana use.

The same voter profiles that supported medical marijuana were also
the ones most likely to support full marijuana legalization.

These results may explain why "marijuana continues to be the most
widely abused and readily available illicit drug throughout Ohio,"
according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

It is true that THC, the primary active chemical in marijuana, can be
useful for treating some medical problems," according to the ONDCP.
"Synthetic THC is the main ingredient in marinol, a Food and Drug
Administration-approved medication used to control nausea in cancer
chemotherapy patients and to stimulate appetite in people with AIDS,"

All drugs have consequences. If the benefits outweigh the harm then
I'm for it," said Laura Gray, a second-year nursing student.

Some students may not be aware that smoked marijuana, which is
supported in the Ohio Poll for medical use, is different from marinol.

Unlike smoked marijuana -- which contains more than 400 different
chemicals-- marinol has been studied and approved by the medical
community and the FDA," said the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

There are currently no smoked medications approved by the FDA because
the byproducts of smoking, such as carcinogens and harmful chemicals,
form new health problems.

According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, "There is no consensus of
medical evidence that smoking marijuana helps patients."

Still, marijuana supporters argue that marinol does not contain many
of the therapeutic compounds held in natural cannabis and that
certain chemical compounds found in cannabis are non-psychoactive.

Certain compounds have been clinically demonstrated to have more
anti-psychotic, anti-nausea, and anti-rheumatoid arthritic
properties, among others, according to the National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

Additionally, NORML argues cannabis is less psychoactive than
marinol. Marinol can have adverse effects including: drowsiness,
confusion, anxiety, changes in mood, coordination impairment,
depression and irritability.

Marijuana is labeled by the federal government as a Schedule I
controlled substance, which means it has no accepted medical value.
Cocaine, Opium and OxyContin are examples of Schedule II controlled
substances, which mean they have at least a limited accepted medical
value according to the United States government.

The Ohio Medical Compassion Act, bill that is currently proposing
legal smoking of marijuana for medical purposes in the state, has not
yet been enacted, but the notion that smoked marijuana can supply
relief from certain medical conditions appears to be a major debate for Ohioans.
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