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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Inspections Of Mexico-Bound Traffic Rise
Title:US: Inspections Of Mexico-Bound Traffic Rise
Published On:2009-05-18
Source:Dallas Morning News (TX)
Fetched On:2009-05-19 15:16:18

Newly Intensified Search For Cash, Weapons Being Smuggled From U.S.
Yields Uneven Results

NOGALES, Ariz. (AP) - Hawks circle above the lines of traffic at the
hot, arid border crossing into Mexico. Sagebrush catches clothes
tossed by fence climbers. Three curious, dusty horses watch the
federal agents who are tapping on car windows, opening trunks,
looking in vain for contraband.

"We're sucking up a lot of exhaust out here," supervisory Customs and
Border Protection officer Edith Serrano says.

This is what the Obama administration's new commitment to help Mexico
fight its drug cartels looks like.

President Barack Obama this spring promised his Mexican counterpart,
Felipe Caldersn, that the U.S. would fight two of the biggest
contributions U.S. residents make to drug cartels: cash and weapons.
The latter is hard to come by in Mexico.

For the past five weeks, hundreds of agents participating in a newly
intensified $95 million outbound inspection program have been
stepping into southbound traffic lanes and stopping
suspicious-looking cars and trucks.

Associated Press reporters fanned out to the busiest crossings along
the Mexican border - Laredo and El Paso; Nogales, Ariz.; and San
Diego - to see how effective the inspections are.

The findings? Wads of U.S. currency headed for Mexico, wedged into
car doors, stuffed under mattresses, taped onto torsos, were sniffed
out by dogs, seized by agents and locked away for possible
investigations. No guns were found as the reporters watched; they rarely are.

"I do not believe we can even make a dent in [southbound smuggling]
because that assumes the cartels are complete idiots, which they're
not. Why in the world would they try to smuggle weapons and currency
through a checkpoint when there are so many other options?" said
Border Patrol Agent T.J. Bonner, president of the agents' union.

According to Customs and Border Protection, between March 12 and
April 30 officers seized:

. Fifty-one pieces of ammunition, weapons parts and guns, a fraction
of the 2,000 weapons the Mexican government estimates are smuggled
south every day.

. $12 million in cash, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the $17
billion to $39 billion the U.S. Justice Department estimates is
illegally sent to Mexico from the U.S. annually, but more than the
$10 million seized in outbound checks in 2008.

. Sixty-one people on charges involving weapons or currency offenses
and on outstanding warrants.

Millions of cars pass into Mexico from the U.S. every year. The
federal government doesn't keep track, but a count by Texas A&M
International University's Texas Center for Border Economic and
Enterprise Development shows more than 27 million vehicles a year
drove into Mexico just from Texas.

The outbound checkpoints the AP observed stopped sometimes one of
four cars, sometimes one of 100, and didn't make stops every day.
Even that level of inspection created huge traffic backups at some
locations and, agents said, might have allowed spies to call any
smugglers heading that way and warn them to put off their Mexico trip.

Some of those stopped were annoyed.

"I guess they think I have drugs or something," said Daniel Saucedo,
a 15-year-old Albuquerque, N.M., high school student who climbed out
of the passenger side of a small white pickup truck with his two dogs
last week in El Paso. "It's dumb."

William Molaski, port director in El Paso, said agents at his four El
Paso bridges haven't found much since the focus on outbound checks
started in early April - one handgun and about $400,000 - "but not
for lack of trying."

Customs and Border Protection's 2010 budget request, released May 7,
includes an additional $46 million targeted at southbound enforcement.

Customs inspectors' techniques range from primitive to high-tech,
with about an equal success rate. Sometimes a small white truck
drives slowly alongside vehicles that have been pulled over, beaming
X-rays at them to reveal hidden cash or weapons. A smaller X-ray unit
scans spare tires or pieces of luggage, a hand-held density meter
called a "Buster" can reveal hidden compartments loaded with cash, a
fiber-optic scope snaked into gas tanks looks for hidden cargo, and
trained dogs can sniff out cash or weapons.

But before they get to any of the gadgets, officers knock with a
knuckle or flat palm on a car's body panels. And they ask, again and
again: "Do you have any weapons? Cash? Merchandise?"

Often the dogs make the finds.

Grill, a "currency canine," smelled something on 63-year-old Isabel
Ortega Garcma on April 3 in Hidalgo, Texas, when Ortega was walking
into Mexico. When Grill got excited, agents patted Ortega down and
found $148,000 in neat wads of $100 bills taped around her waist.

Two weeks earlier in Laredo, Akim sniffed cash under the floor of a
southbound bus. Under the seats, in a hidden compartment, were 75
bundles of bills totaling $2,997,510.

But even finding that much cash doesn't always yield an arrest.

Without a U.S. attorney's say-so, the best an agent can do is seize
cash in amounts over $10,000 that the traveler does not declare, hand
them a receipt and send them on south.

The best-case scenario for agents who seize undeclared currency is
that federal prosecutors decide to bring charges and begin a
forfeiture procedure.
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