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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: Should Marijuana Be Legally Prescribed As a Pain
Title:US NY: Should Marijuana Be Legally Prescribed As a Pain
Published On:2009-05-18
Source:Post-Standard, The (Syracuse, NY)
Fetched On:2009-05-18 15:15:13

It's 3 p.m. on a Monday, and Joe Gamble is struggling to make a cup of tea.

His arm flails away from the counter several times before he's able
to direct the sugar dispenser over the cup. The spoon twitches in his
hand, banging against the sides of the mug.

Gamble pauses mid-sentence, unable to remember the ending of the
story he just began telling.

Three hours have passed since Gamble, 33, last medicated himself. The
symptoms of his multiple sclerosis are taking hold of his body.

Gamble takes a sip of tea and politely excuses himself. He shuffles
to the door, climbs down two steps and plops down on the hood of the
cherry red Porsche sitting in the driveway of his Liverpool home. He
pulls a small marijuana pipe out of his pocket, brings it to his lips
and inhales deeply.

A look of relief flashes across Gamble's face. He also looks a little guilty.

"Every time I light that pipe, I feel like a criminal," Gamble says.
"I shouldn't have to. I'm way too sick for that."

A few puffs later and the change in Gamble is striking. The tension
in his limbs lessens. His gait improves. He speaks clearly and freely.

"What am I supposed to do?" Gamble asks, almost pleading for
approval. "Marijuana makes my life a little livable. I don't get
stoned. I don't get that euphoric feeling. It just helps the tremors."

Two years ago, Gamble was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple
sclerosis. Unlike other forms of the disease, Gamble's type of MS
promises a steady progression of disability without relapse or
remission. There is no cure.

Gamble remembers the exact moment he knew he was sick. He was flying
a jet, doing 600 mph and climbing to 36,000 feet when his body went
numb from the neck down.

Before being diagnosed, Gamble spent most of his waking hours flying:
first, as an Army paratrooper, then as a transport pilot. During his
almost 13 years in aviation, he flew the bodies of dead soldiers home
to their families, carried travelers to their destinations as a
commercial pilot for US Airways and shuttled celebrities, dignitaries
and politicians to events on private planes.

"Now it's the politicians I used to fly that need to help me out,
help out us sick people," Gamble said.

Grounded because of his illness, Gamble now uses his time to advocate
for the legalization of medical marijuana. He recently traveled to
Albany to tell lawmakers his story first hand.

"I used to be a hot-shot pilot," Gamble said. "Now, I'm all about the
MS awareness."

Gamble is far from the stereotypical tie-dyed hippie pushing for pot.
He's clean cut. He wears a crucifix around his neck and a dog tag
engraved with the words, "God doesn't give what you can't handle."

He hopes his military experience gives him credibility.

"I'm not glad that I'm sick, but I'm glad that because of my
background, maybe people will listen to me," Gamble said.

State lawmakers this year have introduced bills in both the Senate
and Assembly to protect patients from being arrested if they use
medical marijuana under a doctor's recommendation. Similar
legislation passed the Assembly two straight years but died each
session in the Senate.

"Medical marijuana's safety and efficacy in treating certain painful,
often life-threatening diseases is a well-documented scientific
fact," said Sen. Thomas Duane, D-Manhattan, the Senate sponsor of the
bill. "There is no reason we can't establish common sense controls to
ensure safe access to this medicine for suffering patients who have
their doctors' recommendations while ensuring it doesn't wind up in
the wrong hands."

"It is cruel to make seriously ill patients criminals for relying on
medical marijuana for relief when their doctor recommends it," said
Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, D-New York, the bill's Assembly sponsor.

Gamble understands some people's hesitation about medical marijuana.
He recognizes that the drug isn't for everyone. If a legalization
bill were passed, he said, education would have to be a key component.

Parents, for example, would need to treat medical marijuana as they
would any prescription drug, locking it in a medicine cabinet and
teaching their children to stay away.

Those concerns, however, aren't a reason to kill the bill, Gamble said.

"A lot of people abuse alcohol and they put it up on billboards,"
Gamble said. "Yes, it's illegal. But I'm not going to stop."

Thirteen states have enacted laws that remove criminal penalties for
medical marijuana patients. Eleven of those states conducted
before-and-after studies, and all have seen marijuana use by youths
decline since passing medical marijuana bills, Duane said.

"The reason I think that I'm doing so well is because I smoke pot,"
Gamble said.

The marijuana helps restore Gamble's appetite. He has lost 20 pounds
since being diagnosed. It also helps Gamble sleep. Without it, he
said, his legs shake violently and his body locks up -- a frightening
sensation, he said.

"If I don't smoke, I turn into a disaster," Gamble said. "It's
embarrassing to me. I'm still getting used to being around people."

Marijuana also keeps Gamble off stronger narcotics. As it is, Gamble
takes an assortment of almost a dozen drugs daily. His medication
list fills half a notebook page, while a tally of his symptoms takes
up the entire sheet.

So far, Gamble has avoided having to use a wheelchair, but he expects
the bright yellow model he ordered to arrive any day.

"If I didn't have the marijuana, I'd probably be getting prescribed
Hydrocodone, Morphine, Vicodin, and those are the drugs people are
abusing," Gamble said. "They're quick to give you the pain pills at
the hospital, but I think I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing my
best to stay off the heavy stuff, the stuff that makes me completely numb."

"It's not a cure," Gamble explained of the marijuana. "I'm still in
pain. It's just a remedy for a couple of hours. If there was
something else they could give me to help, I'd take that."

More than a dozen national and state medical organizations support
medicinal marijuana use, including the Medical Society of the State
of New York (which has lobbied in Albany for a medical marijuana
bill), the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine and
the American College of Physicians.

"Cannabinoids (the active ingredient in marijuana) have been shown to
ease pain, help with muscle spasms, help with appetite, help with
mood state," said Dr. Gregory Carter, professor of rehabilitation
medicine at the University of Washington and author of "Marijuana
Medical Handbook: Practical Guide to Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana."
"Even more interesting, we're now seeing cannabinoids can help nerves
protect against toxins and can have an anti-inflammatory effect."

That could be key to helping patients with such diseases as
Alzheimer's and rheumatoid arthritis, Carter said.

Synthetic marijuana drugs, such as Marinol, pale in comparison to the
real thing, Carter said.

"They're not as effective at all," he said. The synthetics take
longer to absorb, and patients have little ability to control their dosage.

Ironically, Marinol contains 100 percent pure THC (the active
ingredient in marijuana) and can be prescribed with a simple phone
call from a doctor, whereas natural cannabis contains 20 percent THC
but is considered a Schedule 1 substance, meaning the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration considers it as having a high potential
for abuse with no accepted medical use.

"It's just ridiculous," Carter said. "It's mind-boggling how stupid
the laws are, how they have ruined people's lives and how much they
have cost the government. They're just absolutely insane."

"I think the DEA and FDA need to stop being guided by propaganda," he
continued. "Rational minds need to drive drug policy, separating myth
from fact, right from wrong, and responsible medicinal use from other uses."

Because marijuana is illegal in New York state, Gamble must buy his
stash on the black market. Two of his "dealers" are an older couple,
one of whom is dying of cancer. They sell marijuana on the side to
pay their bills.

"Instead of paying $200 an ounce, why can't I go to a dispensary and
pay a $50 co-pay?" Gamble asked.

For Gamble, the biggest challenge is fighting people's assumptions
that he's just some pot-head kid.

"I look normal," he said. "But I'm not."

More than worrying about himself, Gamble says he fears for the old
lady who has no access to marijuana to ease her pain.

Legalization could even help close the state's budget deficit, Gamble

"I mow my lawn. I pay my taxes. I visit my family. I don't want to
feel like what I'm doing is wrong," Gamble said. "You don't know what
this is like. I'm doing the best I can to be a law abiding citizen.
But there's too much pain."

For reasons still not fully understood, an MS patient's immune system
attacks the protective sheath that surrounds the body's nerve fibers.
The damage shows up as scar tissue (sclerosis), which can disrupt
signals sent by the brain. That disruption leads to symptoms that
range from mild, such as numbness, to severe, such as blindness and paralysis.

In Gamble's case, lesions have peppered his brain. The biggest
measures 9 millimeters in diameter and sits at the top of his brain
stem. Gamble used to keep copies of his MRI's posted on his kitchen
wall, with the lesions highlighted in red glitter paint, but he
decided the artwork was too morbid.

As far as smoking pot, Gamble says he generally chooses to smoke in
private, but he's not worried about getting caught. Nurses encourage
him to do whatever makes him feel better, he said. Friends in law
enforcement turn a blind eye.

"I have not had one person say, 'That's wrong, don't do it,'?" Gamble said.

With Democrats in control of the state Senate for the first time in
decades, Gamble believes this could be the year a medical marijuana
bill passes in Albany. He said lawmakers received him very well
during his recent trip to the Capitol.

"They seem pretty optimistic, upbeat, positive," he said. "I think it
helped having me there."

Both the Senate and Assembly bills are moving through the committee
process now. Gamble hopes lawmakers bring the legislation to a vote
before this year's session ends in June.

"This should be the year," Gamble said. "I don't want to be a
criminal anymore."



The state Senate has yet to vote on the issue, but medical marijuana
bills have passed the Assembly twice -- in 2007 and 2008. Each time,
votes followed party lines.

Democrats approved the legislation, while Republicans voted against
it. The trend included Central New York lawmakers.

Why the "no" votes?

Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, R-Canandaigua, said he believes
legalization is a federal issue.

"Nationally, it's against the law to purchase and distribute
marijuana, period," Kolb said. "Right now, if we set up a mechanism
for marijuana to be sold, it would be in (conflict with) federal law.
If Congress wants to set national policy on something of this nature,
that's fine. But I don't think it's up to individual states to
determine drug policy."
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