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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Mood Shift Thrills Pot Advocates
Title:US CA: Mood Shift Thrills Pot Advocates
Published On:2009-05-13
Source:Monterey County Herald (CA)
Fetched On:2009-05-14 15:11:36

Governor Speaks of Legalization

OAKLAND -- In the East Bay's growing hotbed of marijuana-related
commerce, an uptown stretch some call "Oaksterdam," the buzz just got

They're talking about it at Oaksterdam University, where seminars fill
up months in advance about marijuana law, cultivation, bud-tending and
other pot topics. At a shop across Broadway that sells the latest
hash-making machines and German vaporizers, a dozen people wait for
patient ID cards in the back, some with babies on their laps.

In the backroom of dispensary Coffeeshop Blue Sky, mention of Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's statement last week that "it's time for
debate" about legalizing pot drew a smile from Air Force veteran
Rosanne Rutherford, who sat waiting to plunk down $22 for some Blue
Dream in a brown paper bag.

"It's been demonized for years, just because of politics," said
Rutherford, 41. "It was a happy surprise. How things change."

Even the most ardent pot advocates say they're a bit dizzy about the
governor's comments and the speed of an apparent shift in public
opinion toward legalizing and taxing pot.

A Field Poll in April found 56 percent of California voters favor it.
As recently as 2004, a similar poll found less than 40 percent did. A
recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 46 percent of
Americans favor legalizing small amounts of pot for personal use, up
from 22 percent in 1997.

While marijuana reform advocates expect a federal prohibition to
remain firmly in the way of legalizing pot use for years, others say
they aim to press the issue with a state ballot measure, possibly as
early as next year.

State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, introduced a bill this
year to legalize personal possession and use of marijuana and clear
the way for retail pot sales if the federal government changes course.
The state Board of Equalization estimates that Ammiano's bill could
raise more than $1.3 billion a year for the state, though some
scholars in marijuana policy call that a pipe dream.

Advocates and scholars see several factors converging, the largest
being the economy and a desperate hunt for new revenue. A political
shift with the Obama administration may play a role, and the fact
voters are more apt to have smoked weed. There also is a growing sense
of futility in the war on marijuana and the cost in lives along the
Mexican border.

"I've never seen a phone survey that showed more than half of adults
favoring legalization. I've certainly never seen a governor putting
forth the idea of debating the issue, much less an actual bill," said
Robert MacCoun, a University of California-Berkeley public policy
professor. "It's a comfort zone for politicians we didn't have 10 years ago."

Another possible factor: A public sense that Proposition 215, which
legalized medicinal marijuana use in 1996, has caused few major
problems, despite local battles over pot clubs, bad actors and
high-profile dispensary raids.

"They see the sky hasn't fallen," said Richard Lee, president of
Oaksterdam University. "You talk about the system being abused.
Everybody's like, 'So?'"

Not so fast, say anti-drug activists. Schwarzenegger's comments, in
response to a reporter's question about the Field Poll, amounted to a
populist nod, but no endorsement. He remains against legalization, he

Calvina Fay, executive director of the Drug Free America Foundation,
noted that Schwarzenegger said the experiences of countries such as
his native Austria that have legalized pot and found troubling results
should be studied.

"I don't think he was saying it's time to legalize drugs," said Fay,
who claims health care costs from addiction would far outweigh the tax
benefits. "He was saying legalization or quasi-legalization hasn't

Advocates say they hope for an ear from the Obama administration,
which has signaled it has no plans to go after pot clubs in states
with medicinal marijuana laws. But a campaign for legalization would
be different, MacCoun said.

"The Obama administration has no interest in fighting this battle, but
if forced to, they will," he said.

One scholar who favors a change in marijuana policy cautioned that a
full-scale commercial market would drive up abuse.

"The beer industry is in the business of making drunks, and they're
pretty good at it. I would think the pot industry would be good at
creating zonkers," said Mark Kleiman, a UCLA public policy professor
and author of "Against Excess: Drug Policy for Results."

Some, like Lee, envision a local coffeehouse model like Amsterdam.
Others imagine it more like wine country, spurring a vibrant tourist
market. Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML, said a ballot
measure now would surely fail. Still, he counts himself surprised and
"enormously pleased" with the new polls and the prospect of a public

"We've had a long debate on marijuana, but until now, it's always
pussyfooted around the issue" of legality, he said. "The economy in
general has forced a change in values."
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