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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Cannabis U-Turn As Quantity for Personal Use Is Slashed
Title:UK: Cannabis U-Turn As Quantity for Personal Use Is Slashed
Published On:2006-06-08
Source:Daily Mail (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 03:02:35

John Reid has performed a dramatic U-turn on cannabis by slashing
the amount of drugs a user can claim is for personal use rather than
dealing. Former Home Secretary Charles Clarke caused an uproar before
Christmas when he suggested cannabis users should be allowed to carry
a massive 14oz without being treated by police as a dealer.

This was enough for more than 2,400 'spliffs', or six every day for an
entire year.

But leaked documents show that Dr Reid now wants to set a far tougher
threshold of one hundredth of that amount - around one sixth of an
ounce - with drastic reductions in the levels for a range of other
drugs. The Government controversially relaxed the law on possession of
cannabis two years ago meaning that most users no longer even face
arrest or a criminal record - despite mounting evidence of the drug's
links to mental illness.

Yet the new proposals could see tens of thousands of people facing
jail sentences of up to 14 years for the far more serious crime of
possession with intent to supply.

The proposed limit of one sixth of an ounce of cannabis, or five
grams, would be among the toughest thresholds of any country in
Europe. Critics accused ministers of 'shambolic' policy making,
claiming the mixed messages would add to public confusion without
reducing the harm from drugs.

Police leaders accused the Government of making 'constant changes' to
drugs laws, and said frontline officers should be allowed to continue
using their common sense rather than a fixed definition when deciding
who is a drug user and who is a dealer.

The Home Office is intent on introducing threshold levels for drug
possession, claiming the move will 'clarify' the amounts of drugs
above which the police and courts should presume that a suspect is a

But Charles Clarke's first proposals six months ago were widely
ridiculed, as they would have allowed a dealer to carry 14 oz of
herbal cannabis - worth more than UKP1,800, and a year's supply for even
heavy users - while still claiming the drug was for personal use.

Mr Clarke also upheld David Blunkett's 2004 decision to downgrade
cannabis from a Class B to a Class C drug, meaning that police no
longer arrest most users caught with small amounts.

Now John Reid appears to be swinging to the opposite extreme.

In a leaked letter to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, the
official body which guides Government policy, the Home Office proposes
thresholds of one-sixth of an ounce for cannabis leaf or resin.

The threshold for ecstasy would be cut from 10 tablets to five, and
for heroin and cocaine from 7g to 2g (1/4 oz to 1/14 oz).

The Government's original justification for downgrading cannabis was
to free up police time to tackle heroin and cocaine.

But committee members are understood o have called for higher
thresholds, warning that Dr Reid's plans could cause serious problem
in policing.

The tough 1/6oz threshold for cannabis in particular risks swamping
police with thousands of 'dealers', it is feared, and an ounce would
be more realistic.

Critics also fear genuine dealers will exploit the guidelines by
carrying no more than the set amount at any one time.

Liberal Democrat spokesman Nick Clegg said: 'This dramatic shift in
policy shows the Government is in a state of total panic and chaos.

"Britain has younger and younger heroin addicts, over a quarter of a
million problem drug users, and half of children under 16 have tried
illegal drugs.

"Labour's flip-flopping on drugs is simply not an adequate response.
It's drug policy is a complete shambles."

Jan Berry, Chairman of the rank-and-file Police Federation, said
yesterday: "The constant changes only add to public confusion.

"It is important that police officers have discretion to take account
of all individual circumstances."

Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane,
said: 'This is a totally muddled message, and nobody will know where
they stand.

"First cannabis was downgraded, sending the message that it was a
relatively harmless recreational drug, and now the Government wants
very tough criminal punishments for possessing fairly small amounts.

"It's the worst of all worlds. Young people are told cannabis isn't as
bad as other drugs, but they can be jailed for 14 years for having a
few grams of it.

"Ministers should have had the courage to put cannabis back to Class
B." In the wake of cannabis being downgraded to Class C in 2004, more
than 40,000 people escaped arrest and prosecution for possession in
the first 12 months. In future many would now face prosecution for

The Home Office insisted last night no final decisions had been taken,
but said the threshold levels would be put before Parliament shortly.
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