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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Marijuana: Readers Respond To Lat Week's Forum Topic
Title:US CA: Marijuana: Readers Respond To Lat Week's Forum Topic
Published On:2009-04-12
Source:Sacramento Bee (CA)
Fetched On:2009-04-13 01:41:34

Here are a few of the responses to last week's Forum article "Should
marijuana be legal?"

'An urgent need for action'

I am glad to see this matter brought up, because there is an urgent
need for action. The effect of anti-drug laws has not been to reduce
use; it has been to keep the price high. The result is an enormous
flow of cash to organized crime, with a serious and accelerating
erosion of the rule of law in Mexico and in this country. How you
feel about marijuana use is your business, but our drug policies,
whether intended that way or not, are in the sole interest of
organized crime. No one else benefits.

- - TechD

'Create a new industry'

Yes, I think it should be legalized, taxed and regulated. Besides the
tax revenue, it would create a new industry of jobs. People who use
marijuana for legitimate medical reasons are discriminated against
now because of drug testing. Though I have no personal interest in
marijuana use, I've seen the benefits for people who really need it.
I support AB 390!

- - teresitam

'Addiction harms ... society'

Anything that is bad for the body is bad for society. Addiction harms
families and society. Everyone will suffer.

- - shuttdlrl

'Everyone's God-given right'

Isn't marijuana a plant? We as a nation of free people, whose Pledge
of Allegiance states "one nation under God," have actually outlawed a
natural piece of creation. Are we still talking about this? Are we
this foolish? Legalize it and tax it? It is no wonder the sad state
of affairs we find ourselves in. It should be everyone's God-given
right to grow a plant in their own backyards and use it however they
see fit. Isn't that obvious?

- - standndeliver

'We will be taking a step back'

Noooooo!!! We should not legalize any drugs. I have seen what drugs
do to people, and it's not a good idea to say, "Here is some
marijuana - go have fun with it." We will be taking a step back as a
society if we legalize any drugs. There are many more important
things to work on rather than legalizing something stupid.

- - poloyolo

'Legal, regulated and taxed'

It should be legal, regulated and taxed, just like alcohol and cigarettes.

- - QuietType

'A relatively benign intoxicant'

It's staggering to think of the billions of dollars spent fighting a
relatively benign intoxicant - enjoyed by millions around the world,
including people of all types in all professions - because of some
outdated fear-mongering.

I'm not saying pot use is without consequences, but the same is true
of caffeine and sugar, let alone alcohol and tobacco.

Why ruin people's lives by legally stealing their cars, boats,
houses, etc., from them (to be sold off, with profits going to the
government) over something that is a "victimless crime"? What about
all the hardworking citizens who can't get a job because they failed
a drug test or have a "criminal" record for being busted with a joint?

The only reason gangs and warlords are involved is because they've
got the market. With so much profit at stake, it's no wonder whole
governments are being corrupted (e.g., Mexico).

What happened to personal freedom? The power to make one's own
choices? Isn't that what America is all about?

Stop the hypocrisy already!!!

- - blue_dragon_fly

'It's no different than alcohol'

California is the No. 1 producer of marijuana, period. Tax it like
alcohol and quit spending millions on trying to eradicate it, and
this state will be in a much better financial position.

It's no different than alcohol - gotta be 21 or over and cannot be
under the influence while driving - so what's the problem?

- - kingsdude

'What are we waiting for?'

Amsterdam legalized it and started rehabilitation programs instead of
criminalizing it. They rarely have the problems that we do. What are
we waiting for?

- - taviyo

'Make the left happy'

It should be legalized to make the left happy ... and OxyContin
should be legalized to make the right happy.

- - RevDrBillyBob

'Doesn't make a bit of difference'

California can do whatever it wants regarding marijuana. The federal
government is still going to consider the cultivation and use a
crime. So unless the feds change their laws, it really doesn't make a
bit of difference what the people of California want.

- - unclegeno
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