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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NM: Edu: Column: The Deceit Of Obama's Drug War
Title:US NM: Edu: Column: The Deceit Of Obama's Drug War
Published On:2009-03-27
Source:Daily Lobo (U of NM, Edu, NM)
Fetched On:2009-03-30 12:54:20

There has not been love lost between Mexico and the United States
since the U.S. annexed what was half of Mexico's territory in 1848.
Since then, there has been a national psychology that instinctively
distrusts any offers of help from Gringoland. This has become more and
more apparent with the Obama administration's new plans to militarize
the border between these two neighbors.

The Merida Initiative, which will give money and training to Mexican
police, signals that the U.S. is willing to spend good money to make
sure President Felipe Calderon is successful in his "war on drugs."
Since the passage of the Merida Initiative, Calderon has been
emboldened to the point of declaring martial law in the border town of
Juarez, Chihuahua, which sits across the Rio Grande from El Paso,
Texas. In reality, the U.S. is spending money to monopolize the drug
trade by force and Calderon is the dutiful pawn.

Back in November, Bolivian President Evo Morales expelled the Drug
Enforcement Agency from his country.

Although this story was not picked up by the mainstream media, many
analysts were left scratching their heads.

Why would the president kick out an agency whose very existence is
dedicated to wiping away the scourge of drugs?

Morales had this to say: "The worst thing is, it did not fight drug
trafficking; it encouraged it." He also offered then President-elect
Obama evidence "to prove the illegality, abuse and arrogance of the
DEA in Bolivia." And in a final salvo, Morales said that the so-called
"war on drugs" was responsible for "bribed police officers, violated
human rights, covered-up murders, destroyed bridges and roads."

Now returning to Mexico, what parallels can be drawn?

As in pre-Morales Bolivia, there is a supposed threat to our national
security that emanates from vicious drug cartels that are hell-bent on
sending their drugs into our communities. This is false.

The most vicious drug cartel in this country and south of the border
resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Given the turbulent past between
Mexico and the U.S., it is unwise for Uncle Sam to order his puppet
Calderon to force the Mexican people to accept the Obama cartel's
demands at the barrel of a gun.

The deceit and hypocrisy behind the administration's actions in regard
to Mexico can only be described as breathtaking. Why would the U.S.
government believe that the Mexican nation would accept her offers of
help? The fact of the matter is that so long as the U.S. continues to
build up a military presence in Mexico and along the border, there
exists the real possibility of another Mexican-American War.

Imagine that you are a poor Mexican living in a Juarez

There are no jobs or legal ways to feed your family.

And with the U.S. economy in the gutter, the notion of finding work in
El Paso has also vanished. With a hungry family to feed, what options
are left? You are offered a job trafficking drugs for a local dealer.

This is not an honorable way to make money, but it is the only
recourse left for making money to feed your family.

One day the Mexican military, with Uncle Sam's blessing of course,
shows up and starts arresting, beating, murdering and torturing your
co-workers. And to top it all off, the military is itself trafficking
drugs to the gringos.

How would that make you feel?

The story just told is but a microcosm of what the entire Mexican
nation is being asked to endure with a smile.

No sane or just person would ever accept this sort of hypocritical

Yet the Obama administration is now sending its dope pushers to Mexico
with the goal of selling the Mexican nation on the idea of slavery.

Nobody takes kindly to having someone steal his or her food. This is a
universal truth.

It does not matter if you're American, Mexican, brown or

The Obama administration is starting a war that it will lose badly.
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