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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WV: Series: The Killer Cure (8 Of 11)
Title:US WV: Series: The Killer Cure (8 Of 11)
Published On:2006-06-11
Source:Charleston Gazette (WV)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 02:52:11
Series: The Killer Cure (8 Of 11)


Senators Want Stronger FDA Warning About Methadone

Two U.S. senators are calling on the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration to respond to thousands of overdose deaths being
blamed on the prescription painkiller methadone.

A Sunday Gazette-Mail investigation published last week found that
methadone is helping to kill more people nationwide than any other
prescription narcotic, and West Virginia's methadone death rate is
the nation's highest.

Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Jay
Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said the FDA should move quickly to warn
doctors and the public about the danger of misusing methadone. -
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The overdose deaths also reveal problems with the FDA itself and its
ability to protect the public, Grassley said.

Grassley held hearings in 2004 questioning why the FDA didn't respond
more quickly to deaths blamed on another prescription painkiller,
Vioxx, which has been pulled off the market.

"What's happening with methadone underscores how serious it is that
the FDA make dramatic improvements to how it scrutinizes drugs after
they're on the market," Grassley said.

Rockefeller said, "The serious problem of methadone overdose requires
much greater scrutiny and the FDA needs to immediately improve its
oversight efforts.

"For far too long the FDA has been lax on drug safety, which is
unacceptable for an agency whose mission is to protect consumers. If
the FDA fails to act quickly, Congress must step in and force the FDA
to do its job."

Methadone once was given mostly to heroin addicts to stop their
cravings for the illegal drug. Recently, more doctors are prescribing
it to treat pain. Insurance companies favor it because it is cheap
and effective.

Methadone helped to kill 2,992 people in 2003, up from 790 in 1999,
according to an analysis of death certificates conducted by the
National Center for Health Statistics at the request of the Gazette-Mail.

The drug was blamed for more deaths than heroin and about 1,500 fewer
deaths than all other narcotic painkillers combined, including
oxycodone, fentanyl, morphine and hyrdocodone.

Many methadone overdose victims stole the drug or took it improperly.
But some victims took the drug as prescribed and died anyway, the
Gazette-Mail found.

A Utah study found that 42 percent of methadone overdose victims had
a valid prescription for the drug. In West Virginia, one in five
victims had no other drug but methadone in their bodies, and others
had small, usually harmless amounts of alcohol or acetaminophen.

The package insert that comes with methadone contains dangerous and
potentially deadly language about the "usual adult dosage" of
methadone, according to several physicians and pain researchers
contacted by the Gazette-Mail. The drug manufacturer writes the
language and the FDA approves it.

"The usual adult dosage is 2.5 mg to 10 mg every three or four hours
as necessary," reads the drug's package insert under "For Relief of Pain."

Someone reading that label could believe it is safe for an adult to
consume up to 80 milligrams of methadone a day.

But 50 milligrams of methadone or less can kill a patient not used to
strong painkillers, studies say.

"Most people would die if they took 80 milligrams a day," said Lynn
Webster, a pain doctor and researcher from Utah. "That's an extremely
dangerous, liberal guideline."

An FDA spokeswoman said the agency was working with the makers of
methadone to make appropriate changes to the labeling for methadone

But one of the largest manufacturers of methadone said the FDA hasn't
talked to them.

"Roxane Laboratories has not been contacted by the FDA regarding any
possible labeling changes for methadone tablets," said spokeswoman Dawn Plante.

Another large maker of methadone, Tyco/Mallinckrodt, when asked for
details about what changes might be made, referred a reporter to the FDA.

Patients are on their own

Even if the FDA decided to change the label on methadone tomorrow,
the agency could not do it immediately. Congress has forced the FDA
to collaborate with a drug's manufacturer before a warning can be
added to a package insert.

Drug company lawyers can veto any proposed warnings, said Larry
Sasich, a Pennsylvania pharmacist and consultant for the consumer
group Public Citizen.

"The agency has asked for more money and more authority," Sasich
said, "but Congress has refused to give it to them."

Most of the FDA's money and energy is spent on approving new drugs,
Sasich said. But funding for surveillance -- making sure existing
drugs are safe -- has remained flat for over a decade.

The FDA has a system, called MedWatch, for tracking problems with
prescription drugs, but health officials are not required to report
to it, so it captures only a tiny percentage of overdoses, he said.

Grassley and Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., have introduced a bill
that would overhaul the FDA's drug safety office and give it more
independence and power within the agency. Rockefeller now plans to
join as a co-sponsor of the bill, said spokeswoman Wendy Morigi.

The bill has been bottled up for more than a year in the Senate
Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, whose chairman is
Sen. Michael Enzi, R-Wyoming.

Grassley said the FDA could do more to warn the public, even without his bill.

"But legislation takes a long time, and the FDA has a moral and
institutional responsibility to take action on its own, as well, to
respond to the kind of data that's resulting from these tragic
deaths," he said.

The FDA could send out a "public health advisory" warning doctors of
the increase in methadone deaths, like it did recently for the drug
fentanyl, Sasich said.

FDA spokeswoman Laura Alvey declined to say whether the FDA will
issue a public health advisory about methadone.

Sasich said that under the current system, patients are left to fend
for themselves too often. They have to educate themselves, because
they cannot trust the agencies that are supposed to protect them.

"The patients have to know about it. They're the ones at risk,"
Sasich said. "Pharmacists, physicians and federal bureaucrats don't
get adverse drug reactions. Patients do."
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