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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: U.S. Shoulders Blame In Mexico
Title:US: U.S. Shoulders Blame In Mexico
Published On:2009-03-26
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada)
Fetched On:2009-03-27 12:47:50

Secretary Of State Clinton Speaks Of America's 'Co-Responsibility' In
Cartels' Rise, Pledges More Resources

MEXICO CITY -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday
pledged to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with Mexico in its violent
struggle against drug cartels, and acknowledged that the United
States shares blame because of its demand for drugs and supply of
weapons. She said the United States shares responsibility with Mexico
for dealing with violence now spilling across the border and promised
co-operation to improve security on both sides.

"The criminals and kingpins spreading violence are trying to corrode
the foundations of law, order, friendship and trust between us that
support our continent. They will fail," she told Mexican Foreign
Relations Secretary Patricia Espinosa. "We will stand shoulder to
shoulder with you."

On Tuesday, the Obama administration pledged to send more money,
technology and manpower to secure the border in the U.S. southwest
and help Mexico battle the cartels. Ms. Clinton also said yesterday
that the White House will seek an additional $80-million to help
Mexico buy Blackhawk helicopters.

All that is in addition to a three-year, $1.4-billion Bush
administration-era program to support Mexico's efforts. Congress
already has approved $700-million. President Barack Obama has said he
wants to revamp the initiative.

Mr. Obama said Tuesday he wanted the United States to do more to
prevent guns and cash from illicit drug sales from flowing into
Mexico. But Ms. Clinton's remarks appeared more forceful in
recognizing the U.S. share of the blame. In the past, particularly
under the Bush administration, Mexican officials have complained that
Washington failed to acknowledge the extent that the U.S. drug demand
and weapons smuggling fuels the violence.

"I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility," Ms. Clinton told
reporters, adding: "Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the
drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally
smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths
of police officers, soldiers and civilians."

Criminals are outgunning law enforcement officials, she said,
referring to guns and military-style equipment such as night-vision
goggles and body armour that the cartels are smuggling from the United States.

"Clearly, what we have been doing has not worked and it is unfair ...
to be creating a situation where people are holding the Mexican
government and people responsible," she said. "That's not right."

Ms. Clinton said she would repeat her acknowledgment as loudly and as
often as needed during her two-day visit to Mexico City and the
northern city of Monterrey. Officials said her priorities included
encouraging the administration of Mexican President Felipe Calderon
to increase its battle against rampant corruption by promoting police
and judicial reform.

Just hours before she arrived, the Mexican army announced it had
captured one of the country's most-wanted smugglers, a man accused of
controlling the flow of drugs through Monterrey for the powerful
Beltran-Leyva cartel.

The measures outlined Tuesday include increasing the number of
immigrations and customs agents, drug agents and antigun-trafficking
agents operating along the border, as well as sending more U.S.
officials to work inside Mexico.

Those measures fall short of calls from some U.S. states that troops
be deployed to prevent further spillover of the violence, which has
surged since Mr. Calderon stepped up his government's battle against
the cartels.
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