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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: More States Move Toward Allowing Medical Marijuana Use
Title:US: More States Move Toward Allowing Medical Marijuana Use
Published On:2009-03-26
Source:USA Today (US)
Fetched On:2009-03-26 12:41:14

Some states are moving to legalize the use of marijuana for medical
purposes in response to the Obama administration's decision to limit
prosecutions of sick people or caregivers who use or dispense the drug.

Attorney General Eric Holder said last week that his agents will seek
criminal charges only when both state and U.S. laws are violated.
That signaled a shift from the Bush administration, whose agents
raided several centers that dispense marijuana in California, where
state law permits its medical use. Twelve other states also allow
medical marijuana, but U.S. law prohibits its use for any reason.

"The change in the federal government's attitude ... speaks volumes,"
says New Hampshire state Rep. Evalyn Merrick, a Democrat. She is the
author of a bill that would legalize medicinal use of marijuana if
approved by a doctor. It passed the state House on Wednesday, 234-138.

Merrick, a cancer survivor who once got relief from nausea by smoking
pot, pushed a similar bill three years ago, but it failed. This year
it is getting a warmer reception, and now heads to the Senate.

Holder's announcement boosts state proposals for changing marijuana
laws, says Bill Piper, national affairs director for the Drug Policy
Alliance, which advocates legalizing marijuana. "The politics around
marijuana are changing," he says.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican who co-chairs the caucus on
international drug control, says Holder is violating his oath of
office if he fails to enforce federal marijuana laws.

"Marijuana is a gateway to higher drugs," Grassley says.

Among states considering more relaxed laws:

. New Jersey. State Sen. Nicholas Scutari, a Democrat, in January
introduced a bill that would permit medical use of marijuana. It
passed the Senate last month and its prospects are good in the House,
Scutari says.

. Illinois. A medical marijuana bill, introduced by state Rep. Lou
Lang, a Democrat, is on the floor in both the House and Senate.

. Minnesota. State Sen. Steve Murphy of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Party reintroduced a medical marijuana bill this year after its
failure last year. It passed a House panel Wednesday, 9-6.

In November, Michigan and Massachusetts voters adopted marijuana
laws. Massachusetts reduced penalties for possessing less than an
ounce of marijuana to tickets and a $100 fine.

"The message it sends to young people is that it's not a big deal to
use marijuana," says David Capeless, president of the Massachusetts
District Attorneys Association. "That's the wrong message."
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