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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NH: Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana Debated At Laconia
Title:US NH: Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana Debated At Laconia
Published On:2009-03-17
Source:Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover, NH)
Fetched On:2009-03-19 12:07:30

Sandra Drew has multiple sclerosis. Diagnosed in 1991, she worked as
a registered nurse for 10 years before her illness forced her to
retire. When she can, she smokes some marijuana before sleeping. Drew
said so far it's the only thing she's found that eases the "Charlie
horse" leg cramps that ruin her sleep and make her unable to relax.

Richard Crate is the Enfield Police Chief and has spent his working
career in law enforcement. To him, marijuana is not a medicine but a
dangerous drug. Every day he sees younger and younger people becoming
involved in drugs and he is a perennial witness to the perils and
consequences of drug abuse.

Dr. James Pilliod is a Belmont state representative and a retired
physician who specializes in pediatrics. While he can't prescribe it,
he has told a few of his terminally ill "friends" that marijuana has
been known to provide some relief from their chronic pain.

These three people, each with a personal stake and interest in House
Bill 648 -- a measure that, if passed by the Legislature and signed
by the governor, would legalize medical marijuana in the state --
joined other professionals Monday in a lunch-time forum at the Lakes
Region Community College to discuss the pros and cons of medical marijuana.

Moderated by Dr. Mark Edelstein, the college's president, about 40
people participated in the lively, back-and-forth panel discussion
where nobody's mind appeared to be changed but everyone learned
something about medical marijuana, the law and what some in New
Hampshire hope to achieve.

We need to be sure that "these patients are not on the battlefield,"
said Matt Simon of the N.H. Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana
Policy, saying HB 648 protects people from arrest if their doctors
recommend marijuana.

Among its provisions, HB 648 would allow for personal possession of
up to six ounces of marijuana and for the cultivation of not more
than 12 marijuana plants for each qualifying patient.

Karin Eckel, a lawyer with the N.H. Attorney General's Office, said
the possession and cultivation of marijuana would still be a federal
crime and this law would not protect state residents from federal
arrest or prosecution.

"The state, [and, by extension, law enforcement] will take on an
enormous burden...," said Eckel. "The state doesn't have the
resources to regulate it."

In addition, Eckel said, some people are confusing "good intentions"
with "good medicine. Pot has yet to be tested."

For Gilford radio personality Skip Murphy, the issue is one of gateway.

"I've seen a lot of good potential go by the wayside," said Murphy in
referring to high school classmates whose marijuana use escalated to
other drugs. "It also doesn't make for good public policy."

The research done so far on the medicinal benefits on
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana,
indicates some medical usage for pain and nausea relief and a tablet
form is available by prescription -- but the pill is expensive and,
according to one man who walked with a cane and who is prescribed the
drug, Marinol, or dronbinol, is beyond the financial reach of most
people sick enough for a prescription. He also said most insurance
companies will not pay for it.

"What gives you guys the right to affect the quality of my life?" he
asked, his questions directed toward Crate and Eckel. "Don't take
away this for the people who need it, not enjoy it."

"Eight of 10 of the states where medical marijuana is legal have the
highest incidents of drug abuse," said Crates, who added that his
real problem with HB 648 is its potential for abuse, showing the
audience two bags filled with fake marijuana cigarettes, or joints,
and telling them that those bags represent only two ounces.

As to its medical uses in the smoked form, Crate asked Pilliod
directly how he would go about prescribing it when its strength and
delivery systems are so varied and unconventional.

"I can't prescribe it," said Pilliod explaining his problem is that
because it's illegal, not enough studies have been done on any level.

Common Sense representative Simon agreed, adding that many major
pharmaceutical companies and university research centers are
prohibited from possessing the drug by federal, and in most cases,
state law, so the ability to test it in its smoked form is limited by
the very nature of what they're testing.

As to the California medical marijuana laws, Simon said they have
been "a policy disaster. I would never wish that law on New Hampshire."

"This law allows them to grow their own," said Simon, citing Maine
and Vermont as states with similar laws as HB 648.

As for criminalizing sick people who do smoke, cultivate and/or
possess small quantities of marijuana, Crate asked the audience when
any of them had ever heard of a sick person being arrested, charged
and prosecuted by state or local law enforcement for marijuana infractions.

When asked if he would arrest someone "smoking a joint in a
wheelchair alone in the woods," Crate allowed that he probably
wouldn't, citing jury nullification or a too sympathetic jury or
judge that would overlook the law and deny a conviction.

"But if I saw that person smoking a joint on Main Street, I certainly
would," he said.

The New Hampshire House schedule said it plans to report HB 648 out
of committee by March 19. No decisions have been made but the public
hearing has been held. A favorable vote in the house sends the bill
to the Senate for additional revisions and considerations.
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