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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: Column: Jesus And Drugs
Title:CN AB: Column: Jesus And Drugs
Published On:2009-03-04
Source:South Peace News, The (CN AB)
Fetched On:2009-03-05 11:23:12

Jesus (God) and drugs! Do they mix?

Those who exist in the culture of drugs would tell you they do. Let's
examine why.

They would tell you that Jesus at His birth was given gold,
frankincense and myrrh by the Three Wise Men from the east. (Matthew
2:11) Myrrh, being a drug or laudanum or labdanum, was used as a painkiller.

Others would tell you that the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden;
"The tree of knowledge of good evil" (Genesis 2:16-17) is marijuana,
or some derivative thereof, hash or hash oil, or just using the flower
or plant to smoke. Others argue the tree is the cocoa plant (cocaine)
or poppy plant (opium) and the argument goes on and on.

Still others would tell you drugs are a spiritual aid, to be used on a
spiritual quest for enlightenment on life's path. Their point is when
using they are in an all knowing or seeing state of euphoria, a peace
of mental or spiritual ecstasy.

"We feel like we know all things and can see and understand things we
can't when straight."

This is the delusion, a state of superiority.

Let's not forget the original commandment "of that tree you shall not eat,
the day that you eat of that tree, you are doomed to die." (Genesis: 2:17)

In the last couple months there has been much to do about the homeless
and the spread of drugs in our communities and eventually crime. They
go hand in hand as addictions accelerate.

There is a saying on the street: "Once addicted you either deal or

The lady in the Driftpile community who said, "Id rather turn them in
than bury them" was correct in her assessment for they will either die
of an overdose or get shot by someone they owe money to.

Once addicted and unemployed, eventually this is what it leads to. One
has to turn to stealing or dealing, (we have to make a profit) to feed
ones own addiction.

In the case of cocaine, what the supplier brings in for distribution
has to be cut, mixed with baking soda or powder or as the headline
said "levamisole" to increase the profit margin. Would you place your
life in these unscrupulous addicted individuals?

I once had three homeless men for roommates, men I had taken off the
street, two cocaine users and one alcoholic. Within three years - they
had returned to the street - two were found dead. One had spent his
two separate inheritances, one of $275,000 and another of $400,000 on
cocaine. Overdose or deliberate, take your guess. This stuff is
deadly. The alcoholic at 55 is still alive, though older at the time
than both other men who died in their thirties.

Another two gentleman, one was found dead with three bullets in him
along the highway. His mother, a church minister said he was a good
boy. He was, I knew him.

The other, his mother had to supply a DNA sample to the police. It was
the only way he could be identified. His corpse was found in a body of
water and his head was missing.

These are the blessings of distribution.

Father Sylvio in Montreal who has provided shelter to the homeless
since the 1960s.

"The average age of the homeless has gone from 58 years of age to 35,"
he says. "While running the addiction centre, a farm, for alcoholics
and addicts, they would work a garden and farm to supply food for
themselves and the homeless shelter in Montreal. In 30 years the
average homeless' condition of 35-year-olds has so deteriorated
compared to the average 58-year-old alcoholic, the farm had to be shut
down. The 30-year-old addict is that wasted, this is the drug world.
Does this sound like a Gift from God?"

This weekend while writing this column, competition for control of
drug distribution killed six people in Cuidad Juarez. The previous
weekend 22 were killed in this Mexican city.

Four people killed New Year's morning in Calgary, six in the Vancouver
area last week. This has prompted the mayors of the lower Vancouver
mainland to request special legislation in its war against gang warfare.

There have been 12 shootings in the last 16 days.

Edmonton and Hobbema are experiencing the same problems. Do we want
them here?

Does this sound like a Godly mixture?

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy: I have
come that they may have life and have it in abundance." (John 10:10)

Jesus turned down myrrh mixed with wine while hanging on the cross. If
he turned down a pain-killer while hanging on the cross, the drug, a
gift given Him at birth, must be a reason.

Obedience to the end! Obviously, there is value in our

"Wisdom is vindicated by her deeds." (Matthew 11:19) A proverb quoted
by Jesus while walking with sinners, drunkards and gluttons. Why? Yes,
we are to love our brothers and sisters but in true love, we are to
stand firm in our resolve to help people out of these addictions.

May our Lord Jesus Christ give us courage to stand firm in our resolve
to help our addicted family members and friends find sobriety and
sanity. God Bless.
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