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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Tsar Admits: We've Lost The War On Drugs
Title:UK: Tsar Admits: We've Lost The War On Drugs
Published On:2006-06-18
Source:Scotland On Sunday (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 02:17:08

Scotland's drugs tsar has sparked a furious row by openly declaring
that the war on drugs is "long lost".

Tom Wood, a former deputy chief constable, is the first senior law
enforcement figure publicly to admit drug traffickers will never be

Wood said no nation could ever eradicate illegal drugs and added that
it was time for enforcement to lose its number one priority and be
placed behind education and deterrence.

But his remarks have been condemned by Graeme Pearson, director of the
Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA), who said he
"strongly disagreed" with Wood.

The row has erupted as concern mounts about the apparent inability of
police, Customs and other agencies to stem the flow of illegal drugs.
It was reported yesterday that an eight-year-old Scottish school pupil
had received treatment for drug addiction.

And despite decades of drug enforcement costing millions of pounds,
Scotland has one of the worst drug problems in Europe, with an
estimated 50,000 addicts. At least half a million Scots are believed
to have smoked cannabis and 200,000 are believed to have taken cocaine.

Wood holds the influential post of chairman of the Scottish
Association of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams, a body which advises the
Executive on future policy. The fact that Wood and Pearson are at
loggerheads over the war on drugs is severely embarrassing for ministers.

Wood said: "I spent much of my police career fighting the drugs war
and there was no one keener than me to fight it. But latterly I have
become more and more convinced that it was never a war we could win.

"We can never as a nation be drug-free. No nation can, so we must
accept that. So the message has to be more sophisticated than 'just
say no' because that simple message doesn't work.

"For young people who have already said 'yes', who live in families
and communities where everybody says 'yes', we have to recognise that
the battle is long lost."

He added: "Throughout the last three decades, enforcement has been
given top priority, followed by treatment and rehabilitation, with
education and deterrence a distant third.

"In order to make a difference in the long term, education and
deterrence have to go to the top of the pile. We have to have the
courage and commitment to admit that we have not tackled the problem
successfully in the past. We have to win the arguments and persuade
young people that drugs are best avoided."

Wood said he "took his hat off" to the SCDEA and added that it was
essential to carry on targeting dealers. He stressed he was not
advocating the decriminalisation or legalisation of any drugs.

"It's about our priorities and our thinking," said Wood. "Clearly, at
some stage, there could be resource implications, but the first thing
we have to do is realise we can't win any battles by continuing to put
enforcement first."

But Pearson, director of the SCDEA, said he "fundamentally disagreed"
that the war on drugs was lost.

"I strongly disagree when he says that the war on drugs in Scotland is
lost. The Scottish Executive Drug Action Plan acknowledged that
tackling drug misuse is a complex problem, demanding many responses.
It is explicit within the strategy that to effectively tackle drug
misuse, the various pillars of the plan cannot operate in isolation."

Alistair Ramsay, former director of Scotland Against Drugs, said: "We
must never lose sight of the fact that enforcement of drug law is a
very powerful prevention for many people and, if anything, drug law
should be made more robust.

"The current fixation with treatment and rehabilitation on behalf of
the Executive has really got to stop."

And Scottish Conservative justice spokeswoman Margaret Mitchell said:
"I accept Wood's sincerity, but this is a very dangerous message to go
out. I would never say that we have lost the war on drugs. Things are
dire, but we should never throw up the white flag."

But Wood's view was backed by David Liddell, director of the Scottish
Drugs Forum, who said: "We have never used the term 'drugs war' and
it's right to move away from that sort of approach. For every ?1 spent
on treatment, ?9-?18 is saved, including in criminal justice. The
balance has been skewed towards more punitive aspects."

And John Arthur, manager of the drugs advice organisation Crew 2000,
said: "I think Tom Wood is right. This is something our organisation
has been arguing for for a long time and it is good to see this is now
coming into the mainstream."

Among the ideas now backed by Wood is less reliance on giving
methadone as a substitute to heroin addicts.

He says other substitutes should be considered, as well as the
possibility of prescribing heroin itself or abstinence programmes.

One new method being examined by experts is neuro-electric therapy,
which sends electrical pulses through the brain. One addict with a
five-year habit, Barry Philips, 24, from Kilmarnock, said the
treatment enabled him to come off heroin in only five days.

Wood said: "We need to look at the other options. Other substitutes
are used in other countries. They even prescribe heroin in Switzerland
and there is a pilot in Germany, with pilots also mooted in England
and, more recently, Scotland. We need to have a fully informed debate."

A Scottish Executive spokesman said: "We have a very clear policy on
drugs, which is to balance the need to tackle supply and challenge
demand. They have to go hand in hand and we make no apology for that."
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