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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Ketamine Tops Cocaine As New Drug of Choice
Title:UK: Ketamine Tops Cocaine As New Drug of Choice
Published On:2009-01-15
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2009-01-15 06:46:11

Government Advisory Panel Ranks Class C Drug As More Harmful Than Ecstasy

The horse tranquilliser ketamine is increasingly replacing cocaine as the
substance of choice among Britain's recreational drug users, according to
charities and experts.

Use of the drug, known as "Special K" or "Raver's Smack", was found to be
on the rise in nine out of 20 areas surveyed by the charity DrugScope. The
British Crime Survey shows that use of the drug last year increased
nationally by 10 per cent on 2006-07.

Once seen as a drug exclusively for the rave and dance scene, its
popularity is now growing among Britain's middle-class users due to its
price - a gram of ketamine costs UKP 20, half as much as the same amount
of cocaine - and the fact that it is seen as a "safe" and "clean" drug.

However, a survey carried out by Professor David Nutt, the chairman of the
Government's drug advisory panel, ranks the class C drug as the sixth most
dangerous illegal drug available - more harmful than Ecstasy and cannabis.
The mistaken belief that the substance is risk-free is encouraging more
young people to try ketamine and to take it in increasingly higher doses.

But experts say that it can cause heart or lung failure and point to the
fact that it has been linked to 23 deaths between 1993 and 2006. In 2006
it was classified as a class C drug.

Martin Barnes, chief executive of DrugScope, said: "There is worrying
evidence that people are experimenting with larger amounts or are even
injecting the drug. Evidence of young people using ketamine is a
particular concern, especially as many users may underestimate the risks

The popularity of the drug, which can be snorted, swallowed, injected and
even smoked, has grown from an estimated 60,000 users between 1998 and
2000 to about 113,000 in 2008. At last year's Glastonbury festival, police
seized double the amount of ketamine than they did at the 2007 event.

The DrugScope survey shows that use of drug is increasing in Portsmouth,
London, Bristol, Ipswich, Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Blackpool and
Newcastle. And police forces in many of these areas say they are aware of
the increased prevalence of the drug. Its popularity is illustrated on the
internet, with some users posting videos of themselves, high on the
substance, on the video-sharing website YouTube.

Mr Barnes added: "It is becoming very popular and it's a drug that a lot
of people are talking about. The very fact that the price is falling shows
how popular it is becoming. Three years ago, when we started this study,
it was selling for about UKP 30 a gram, now it is UKP 20."

He added: "The fall in price does suggest that the people who are selling
the stuff have no problems getting hold of it."

What is ketamine?

Originally used to treat injured soldiers in Vietnam, ketamine is most
commonly used now as a horse tranquilliser. It has also been experimented
with to treat depression and alcohol and heroin addiction. It was
classified as an illegal drug in 2006 by the UK Government. It is usually
sold in powder or liquid form for about UKP 20 per gram. Unlike cocaine
and heroin, it is not physically addictive, but, like cannabis and
Ecstasy, it is psychologically addictive.


User's view: 'You forget about your normal life'

David first tried ketamine as a 20-year-old student at university in
London. Now a 27-year-old marketing executive, living in Shoreditch, east
London, he still takes the drug once a month. "I see it as a fun, sociable
drug," he said. "I do it at house parties or if I'm having a big night
out. I used to do cocaine, but I suppose I gradually replaced coke with
ket. Coke is much more expensive and it generally makes everyone very loud
and aggressive. Ket is different. It costs less and you use it in smaller
quantities so it lasts a lot longer. The feeling you get is different too.
It makes you feel anaesthetised to your worries. You forget about your
normal life and everything is euphoric. Sometimes I've had bad trips, but
I've never felt angry when on ketamine. I think it is a lot safer too.
I've read it can have long-term effects on your health, but it doesn't
seem as dangerous as cocaine. When on coke I used to feel my heart
pounding and it didn't feel right. The other reason I changed is because
of the classification. I've got a proper job and a career and I don't want
to lose that. Ketamine is a class C drug so if I get caught I'm probably
only going to get a slap on the wrist."
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