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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: NATO Commanders In Afghanistan Wary Of Antidrug Effort
Title:US: NATO Commanders In Afghanistan Wary Of Antidrug Effort
Published On:2008-12-24
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-12-25 05:32:01

Kandahar, Afghanistan - NATO leaders' agreement this fall to let their
troops attack drug traffickers in Afghanistan held the promise of
stemming the flow of funding for the violent insurgency here.

But military commanders now seem reluctant to go after the drug
runners. NATO commanders in Afghanistan say they are holding back
because of concerns over the legality of drug operations. But they may
also be unwilling to conduct what is seen as a politically unpopular
mission that could endanger their troops.

The country's multimillion-dollar opium industry is blamed for funding
much of the bloody insurgency against US and allied troops.

Top NATO officials see differences in opinion between NATO's political
leaders and the military commanders charged to do the work. "Now that
we have a gap between the political authority granted and the legal
interpretation of that order, it must be resolved," said Gen. Bantz
Craddock, the supreme allied commander of Europe, earlier this month.

The new authority was granted at an October meeting of NATO ministers
in Budapest. The agreement does not allow NATO troops to conduct
sweeping eradication efforts such as torching fields, but lets them
interdict facilities or personnel involved with drug

But so far, NATO troops have not used the new authorization. Military
officials cite legal concerns that, despite the Budapest agreement, it
is inappropriate for the military to be used in a counternarcotics
role, which is still seen as a criminal activity.

Current estimates suggest the $4 billion opium industry, which feeds a
market for heroine and other drug products in Europe, could be sending
as much as $500 million a year to Taliban and Al Qaeda operations
including those in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is also an agricultural staple on which many Afghan farmers depend
for their livelihood.

The southern sector of Afghanistan, where the bulk of opium grows, has
about 18,000 troops from six countries currently commanded by a Dutch
officer. The Netherlands, like other European allies, is averse to
drug eradication programs for fear of alienating the local population
and because of the risks associated with such operations, say US
officials. Those officials note that commanders should distinguish
between their NATO role and being part of their country's military.

NATO concerns that counternarcotics policy could alienate the very
population it is trying to coopt are valid, acknowledges Seth Jones, a
senior analyst at the military research group RAND, who recently
visited Afghanistan. But he says security must come first.

"Talking about narcotics policy when you don't control territory is
putting the cart before the horse," says Mr. Jones. "What ultimately
will matter " is the ability to control areas." Once security is
established, the Afghan justice system will need more "teeth" to
convict traffickers, he adds.

Gen. David McKiernan, the top NATO and US commander in Afghanistan,
said in an interview in Kabul this month that he was hopeful the
matter could be addressed through more dialogue between NATO officials.

"What we know we're able to do is where we can make the connection
between counternarcotics [and] a personality or a facility, a nexus
target ... we can treat that as a military objective," General
McKiernan said.

"There is agreement on the ground, but it is subject to national
approvals and some of the precise language still needs to be worked
out," he said.

Opium production remains strong here, though it has dropped from last
year's "historic high water mark" of about 193,000 hectares of opium
cultivated, according to the Afghan Opium Survey by the United
Nations' Office on Drugs and Crime.

The survey says 98 percent of Afghanistan's opium is grown in seven of
34 provinces, all seven have a Taliban presence.

There are signs of some progress, the UN attributes the drop in
poppy cultivation to drought and good local leadership by some Afghan
governors who have discouraged its production.
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