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News (Media Awareness Project) - Mexico: The 15BN Drugs War That Has Cost 7,000 Lives In 2 Years
Title:Mexico: The 15BN Drugs War That Has Cost 7,000 Lives In 2 Years
Published On:2008-12-19
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-12-19 17:07:52

The vast power and ruthlessness of the traffickers is turning Mexico
into a lawless state. Evan Williams reports from Culiacan

Enrique Gonzalez was having breakfast at a roadside cafe when a man
got out of a car, walked up behind him and shot him in the back with
an AK-47 automatic rifle.

When I arrived on the scene 15 minutes later a crowd had gathered
around his strangely contorted corpse, three bloody bullet holes
through his white shirt confirming the cause of death.

Gonzalez's violent death was just one of 7,000 in the past two years
in a brutal war between Mexico's drug gangs, fighting for control of
trafficking routes to the United States and Europe, and the Mexican
army and police trying to stop them. At stake is not just control of
the cocaine trade but the very future of Mexico, which some now say is
quickly becoming the new Colombia.

The gangs make a staggering UKP 15bn a year smuggling heroin,
marijuana, methamphetamine and Colombian cocaine to the hip bars and
dinner parties of North America and Europe.

"The Mexican state has not faced this grave a challenge to its authority
since the
Mexican Revolution nearly a century ago," warns David J Danelo, the author
of The
Border: Exploring the US-Mexican Divide.

Mexico's gangs are now so powerful, violent and rich that US drug
enforcement agencies say they have operations stretching from the
supply end in Colombia and Peru to trafficking routes through
Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Caribbean and Mexico to dealers
deep in the US.

Their brand of utterly ruthless violence is marked by instant death
for any kind of betrayal or non-payment. Beheadings and kidnappings
are common as is high-level government and police corruption. Just
last month, Mexico's Federal drug tzar, Noe Ramiriz Mandujano, was
arrested on charges that he had received huge bribes from one of the
biggest cartels. A witness said Mandujano received $450,000 (UKP
300,000) each month from the Beltran Leyva cartel in exchange for
information on investigations.

The cartel was formed in Culiacan, the capital of the north-western
state of Sinaloa and now one of Mexico's most violent cities. The city
of just 600,000 people is home to at least two of the most powerful
cartels and fought over by two more. It is near the wild badlands of
the Sierra Madre mountains, on a major drug trafficking route, and is
a money-laundering centre and a front line in the Mexican government's
war on the drug trade.

Since January, police say, 960 people have been killed in drug-related
violence in Sinaloa state. "We are seeing the Colombianisation of
Mexico," said one resident. "We are paying the price for not paying
attention to this when we should have."

Of the 3,000 people killed in the state over four years, 90 per cent
of them were involved in drugs, but, says Mercedes Murillo, a human
rights investigator, the other 10 per cent were innocent bystanders.
In one week in Culiacan I came across at least 16 murders. In one
incident, five men had been killed in scrub 37 miles north of
Culiacan. One had been handcuffed, four had been lined up and shot one
by one, a fifth man looked like he had been shot while trying to run
away. The father of two of the dead men simply said he had no idea why
they would have been killed; the code of silence here is

Consuelo Barcenas and Alma Herrera are the mothers of two recent
victims. Alma's 16-year-old son, Cristobar, died in a hail of bullets
with nine other people when cartel hitmen opened fire on a mechanics
shop where the teenager was getting his mother's car fixed.

Mrs Herrera believes the police will not investigate the murder
because they are afraid of the cartels. "There is no serious
investigation into any of the murders here because the entire system -
local government, the police, the economy, everything - relies on
narco-trafficking." The mothers are taking their case to Mexico's
Federal Congress and President Felipe Calderon; their dangerously
high-profile act could carry a death sentence.

Yudith del Rincon, a state legislator from Mexico's ruling National
Action Party, campaigns against the traffickers and has been the
target of intimidation. "The real problem is the link between the
drug-trafficking cartels, the people laundering money and the people
building business empires out of that money," she said. "The cash is
being used to back politicians who then offer the gangs protection.
There used to be a line between us and them. That line no longer
exists." The legislator has had threatening messages left at her home
and her car has been smashed up twice, but she remains undaunted: "I
prefer to keep fighting rather than face a future where you don't
stand up against the drug trade."

The problem is not confined to her state. Earlier this month, Mexico's
acting federal police commissioner, Victor Gerardo Garay, resigned
after a senior aide was reported to have been arranging for drugs to
be smuggled out of Mexico City's airport

Most Mexicans believe many of their senior public officials are in the
pay of the cartels. With the police force either involved, undermined
or outgunned, President Calderon has sent in the army, declaring an
all-out war against the cartels. But the gangs are not backing down.

So far this month there have been another 80 killings in Sinaloa with
13 bodies dumped at one location.

Enrique Gonzalez, killed while eating breakfast, had been a police
officer. Manuel Inzunza, a local crime reporter, had known Gonzalez
for 20 years as a friend, adding that he had been the head of the
city's homicide squad, and an honest policeman. "You know, this is the
10th member of Culiacan's homicide squad to be killed since May.
Almost the entire unit has been wiped out. The cartels have targeted
the homicide squad because they don't want any of the gang murders
investigated. When you see police officers getting killed every day it
means there is no guarantee of safety for anybody."
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