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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Brain-Enhancing Drugs: Legalize 'Em, Scientists Say
Title:US: Brain-Enhancing Drugs: Legalize 'Em, Scientists Say
Published On:2008-12-10
Source:Wired Magazine (US)
Fetched On:2008-12-11 16:10:23

If drugs can safely give your brain a boost, why not take them? And if
you don't want to, why stop others?

In an era when attention-disorder drugs are regularly - and illegally
- - being used for off-label purposes by people seeking a better grade
or year-end job review, these are timely ethical questions.

The latest answer comes from Nature, where seven prominent ethicists
and neuroscientists recently published a paper entitled, "Towards a
responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy."

In short: Legalize 'em.

"Mentally competent adults," they write, "should be able to engage in
cognitive enhancement using drugs."

Roughly seven percent of all college students, and up to 20 percent of
scientists, have already used Ritalin or Adderall - originally
intended to treat attention-deficit disorders - to improve their
mental performance.

Some people argue that chemical cognition-enhancement is a form of
cheating. Others say that it's unnatural. The Nature authors counter
these charges: Brain boosters are only cheating, they say, if
prohibited by the rules - which need not be the case. As for the drugs
being unnatural, the authors argue, they're no more unnatural than
medicine, education and housing.

In many ways, the arguments are compelling. Nobody rejects pasteurized
milk or dental anesthesia or central heating because it's unnatural.
And whether a brain is altered by drugs, education or healthy eating,
it's being altered at the same neurobiological level. Making moral
distinctions between them is arbitrary.

But if a few people use cognition-enhancing drugs, might everyone else
be forced to follow, whether they want to or not?

If enough people improve their performance, then improvement becomes
the status quo. Brain-boosting drug use could become a basic job

Ritalin and Adderall, now ubiquitous as academic pick-me-ups, are
merely the first generation of brain boosters. Next up is Provigil, a
"wakefulness promoting agent" that lets people go for days without
sleep, and improves memory to boot. More powerful drugs will follow.

As the Nature authors write, "cognitive enhancements affect the most
complex and important human organ and the risk of unintended side
effects is therefore both high and consequential." But even if their
safety could be assured, what happens when workers are expected to be
capable of marathon bouts of high-functioning sleeplessness?

Most people I know already work 50 hours a week and struggle to find
time for friends, family and the demands of life. None wish to become
fully robotic in order to keep their jobs. So I posed the question to
Michael Gazzaniga, a University of California, Santa Barbara,
psychobiologist and Nature article co-author.

"It is possible to do all of that now with existing drugs," he said.
"One has to set their goals and know when to tell their boss to get

Which is not, perhaps, the most practical career advice these days.
And Penn State neuroethicist Martha Farah, another of the paper's
authors, was a bit less sanguine.

"First the early adopters use the enhancements to get an edge. Then,
as more people adopt them, those who don't, feel they must just to
stay competitive with what is, in effect, a new higher standard," she

Citing the now-normal stresses produced by expectations of
round-the-clock worker availability and inhuman powers of
multitasking, Farah said, "There is definitely a risk of this dynamic
repeating itself with cognition-enhancing drugs."

But people are already using them, she said. Some version of this
scenario is inevitable - and the solution, she said, isn't to simply
say that cognition enhancement is bad.

Instead we should develop better drugs, understand why people use
them, promote alternatives and create sensible policies that minimize
their harm.

As Gazzaniga also pointed out, "People might stop research on drugs
that may well help memory loss in the elderly" - or cognition problems
in the young - "because of concerns over misuse or abuse."

This would certainly be unfortunate collateral damage in the 21st
century theater of the War on Drugs - and the question of brain
enhancement needs to be seen in the context of this costly and
destructive war. As Schedule II substances, Ritalin and Adderall are
legally equivalent in the United States to opium or cocaine.

"These laws," write the Nature authors, "should be adjusted to avoid
making felons out of those who seek to use safe cognitive

After all, according to the law's letter, seven percent of college
students and 20 percent of scientists should have done jail time -
this journalist, too.

Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy
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