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News (Media Awareness Project) - Switzerland: Web: Swiss to Agree Heroin Scheme but Say No to Dope
Title:Switzerland: Web: Swiss to Agree Heroin Scheme but Say No to Dope
Published On:2008-11-30
Source:Swissinfo (Switzerland, Web)
Fetched On:2008-11-30 15:25:12

The Swiss have voted for the government's drugs policy, including the
prescription of heroin to addicts, but have rejected a plan to
decriminalise cannabis.

In a major upset on Sunday, a proposal to tighten legal provisions
against paedophile criminals was carried. An early retirement scheme
and plans to curb the powers of environmental organisations failed to
pass at the ballot box.

Sixty-eight per cent of voters approved a plan to enshrine the
government's four-pillar drugs policy in law, according to near-final results.

Opponents, notably in the small ultra-conservative Federal Democratic
Union and the rightwing Swiss People's Party, challenged parliament's
decision to a referendum.

They said the official policy has failed to reduce the number of
addicts and leaves them in dependency, instead of promoting
abstinence-based methods.

The official drugs strategy is based on prevention, harm reduction,
therapy and repression. It was devised in response to the open drugs
scene in Zurich and other Swiss cities during the 1990s.

Supporters, including a majority in parliament and many drugs
experts, say the policy has helped reduce the number of drug-related
deaths. They argue the prescription of heroin under medical
supervision allows addicts to live a more normal life and even
integrate into society.

There are about 3,000 registered addicts who benefit from the heroin
distribution programme - some of whom later switch to a
methadone-supported treatment.

Switzerland was a pioneer in 1999 when it introduced the scheme -
restricted initially to a ten-year period.


A separate plan aimed at decriminalising hallucinogenic hemp for
personal consumption was rejected by a 64 per cent majority. Under
the plan, trade and cultivation would be subject to state control in
an effort to limit access for minors.

The initiative, supported by centre-left and some centre-right
parliamentarians, was launched in the wake of parliament's refusal in
2004 to adapt legislation to widespread practice.

An estimated 500,000 people in Switzerland say they regularly or
occasionally smoke dope.

Opponents warn of the health hazards for cannabis consumers and fear
Switzerland would attract hemp consumers from across Europe.

Ten years ago Swiss voters rejected a proposal to decriminalise cannabis.

Paedophile crimes

Also being voted on was an initiative by a group of parents aimed at
extending indefinitely the statute of limitations for paedophile crimes.

Some 52 per cent of voters, and all 26 cantons, came out in favour of
the proposal - despite opposition by the government and the main
poltiical parties.

They had argued the scrapping of the time limit was disproportional
and would be difficult to implement.

The Swiss People's Party was the only major group backing the initiative.

Currently a person suspected of a paedophile crime can be prosecuted
for up to 15 years after the crime, or until the victim turns 25.

Parliament agreed a compromise to extend the time frame to the age of 33.


Trade union plans to introduce a flexible retirement from age 62 were
the latest attempt to reform the state pension scheme. The scheme has
also been under review by parliament as it tries to secure the
long-term funding of the social security system.

The unions, backed by the centre-left Social Democrats and the
Greens, wanted to allow people who earn less than SFr120,000
($99,700) annually to stop working with no loss of benefits.

They argued a flexible retirement age must no longer be the privilege
of high income earners.

At present it is mainly the well-off who take early retirement. The
construction industry has also introduced a scheme for employees from age 60.

Men officially retire at 65, while women are eligible for a pension
at 64 in Switzerland.

The campaign focused on the costs of the reform with opponents
pointing out the risks of the pension system getting out of sync
because of the ageing population.

Voters also had the final say on a plan by the centre-right Radical
Party to curb the powers of environmental groups in major building projects.

The initiative pitted the interests of business against those of
environmentalists. It was launched in the wake of a legal battle over
the construction of a new football stadium in Zurich four years ago.
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