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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Excessive Speeders and Drivers Using Drugs Could Face
Title:UK: Excessive Speeders and Drivers Using Drugs Could Face
Published On:2008-11-21
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-11-21 14:43:01

. Loss of Licence Proposed After Only Two Offences

. Government Unveils Plans to Improve Road Safety

A new six-point penalty which would see speeding drivers lose their
licence after two offences is among proposals being considered by the
government for strengthening road safety.

Publishing a consultation paper yesterday, ministers put forward a
series of new policies, including the creation of a formal drug-drive
limit and changing fixed penalty notices into more severe punishments
for "excessive speeders" such as those who drive at 90mph on a motorway.

Jim Fitzpatrick, the transport minister responsible for road safety,
yesterday also announced UKP 2m to fund the introduction of digital
breath-testing equipment and the introduction of drink-drive
checkpoints, both aimed at reducing police time spent dealing with
drunk driving.

Last year there were 2,946 deaths and 30,000 serious injuries on
British roads; speed was a factor in 29% of the deaths. According to
Department for Transport (DfT) research also published yesterday, the
worst excessive speeders are on motorways and in 30mph zones,
accounting for more than three out of 10 incidents. The study also
showed that one in six drivers breach the motorway speed limit by more
than 10mph. Excessive speeding is defined as driving above the limit
by 10mph on motorways and A roads and by 5mph or more in 40 and 30mph

At the moment, most drivers who speed are punished with a fixed
penalty notice of a fine and three points, but the government wants to
introduce more severe punishments, with "excessive speeders"
automatically given six points.

Motorists who broke the rules twice would receive 12 points and be
banned. Government research suggested a six-point penalty prompted a
change in behaviour, making most drivers unlikely to fall foul of the
repeat offence. The research also showed that while many drivers stray
above the limit, very few drive as much as 20mph over the limit.

The government hopes to enable the police to act against careless
drivers who admit fault with a minimum of bureaucracy.

The document also contains a proposal for a formal drug-drive limit -
20% of all road deaths are caused by drivers on illegal drugs. Since
there is currently no legal limit for drug users, it falls to police
officers to prove wrongdoing, which has hitherto resulted in few
prosecutions. Yesterday Fitzpatrick said: "There is no legislation in
place like drink-driving where we could clearly easily prosecute
anybody who does have illegal drugs in the system which is impairing
their ability to drive."

Ministers will also consult on the question of reducing the legal
alcohol limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood; Britain has one
of the highest drink-drive limits in Europe. Campaigners would like it
cut to 50mg. Yesterday, Fitzpatrick said there had been "very serious
discussion" about whether to lower the limit during the consultation
but yesterday ministers were advised to stop short of changing the
limit without evidence of improvements to safety.

Robert Gifford, executive director of the parliamentary advisory
council for road transport safety, said it should be reduced to
equivalent to half a pint of beer or a small glass of wine. "It is
disappointing to note the government does not propose to lower the
blood alcohol level. While the inclusion of a question about BAC
[blood alcohol content] is welcome, the text within the consultation
is less than enthusiastic about a reduction."

The opposition welcomed the suggestions but questioned the
government's tactics for increasing road safety. Shadow transport
secretary Theresa Villiers said: "The government must realise that if
they want to get tough on the most antisocial drivers, such as drug or
drink drivers, they won't catch them with speed cameras."

The AA welcomed the government's consultation, saying that two-thirds
of its drivers supported the idea of higher penalties for those who
break the speed limit by a "considerable margin" and 80% support wider
breath testing powers.
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