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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NM: Edu: NM Not Alone In Lacking Marijuana Dispensaries
Title:US NM: Edu: NM Not Alone In Lacking Marijuana Dispensaries
Published On:2008-11-13
Source:Daily Lobo (U of NM, Edu, NM)
Fetched On:2008-11-14 02:17:48

Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in New Mexico in 2007, there
are about 200 medical cannabis users in the state, according to Reena
Szczepanski, director of Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico.

However, patients have no place to legally purchase the drug, except
in California, Szczepanski said.

"We're in the situation that 12 other states are in," she said.
"California has these medical marijuana dispensaries, but they are the
only state that is addressing the supply issue. Every other state is
basically, 'You are kind of on your own.' So patients either have to
grow their own or get it from some type of black-market source."

Student William Bowes uses medical marijuana to help relieve painful
pressure in his eyes caused by glaucoma. He said he has found a way to
deal with the lack of dispensaries in New Mexico but that it has been

"There is no legal way to get it. I'm lucky, and I have found a method
to obtain exactly what I need and to get the proper strains and the
various types of medication that I need," he said.

Garrison Courtney, spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration,
said the federal government doesn't focus on people with prescriptions
for medical marijuana so much as those who provide it to them.

"When you look at the amount that the states are legalizing, the DEA
doesn't necessarily go out and arrest the individual pot smoker - that
is a huge waste of our resources. We go after drug traffickers and
drug organizations," he said.

Szczepanski said it has been difficult to make medical marijuana legal
and accessible and that there have been problems with government policing.

"It's been implemented in a very controlled way so far," she said.
"There was one incident with law enforcement seizing someone's
marijuana, but the ACLU sued successfully on behalf of that person."

Courtney said there is no such thing as medical marijuana and that
dispensaries are therefore unnecessary.

"There aren't any legitimate medical studies that are currently in
existence that show there is a medical benefit to marijuana," he said.

Bowes is prescribed medical marijuana for glaucoma - one of six
conditions for which a doctor can prescribe the drug in New Mexico.
The others are cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS and
spinal cord damage with intractable spasticity, according to the state
Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Web site.

Bowes said the marijuana treats more than just his

"I went to the eye doctor yesterday and got tested - my pressure in my
left eye was 24 prior to using cannabis. Yesterday it was 17. The
pressure in my right eye was 21; now it's 12," Bowes said. "And it's
slowing nerve atrophy and other things wrong with my eyes."

Bowes said the medical marijuana has also provided relief from severe
pain, which no other medication could do.

"I went from having a constant, severe migraine headache to having no
headache at all," he said. "So there has been an absolute benefit."

Courtney said there is a prescription drug called Marinol, which
contains synthetic THC that could be used instead of marijuana.
Marinol has been found to reduce nausea and vomiting in cancer
patients undergoing chemotherapy, and it has shown to increase
appetite in AIDS patients.

"This drug has been on the market for at least 10 years," Courtney
said. "If this drug is out there, then why do people need to smoke
marijuana? You don't."

Sixty 10 mg capsules of Marinol cost more than $1,400 on most online

Szczepanski said the Department of Health is discussing a proposal
that would license patients and nonprofit organizations to produce and
distribute medical marijuana.

She said the DPA is in support of the regulation but wants to add a
third circumstance to the law.

"If a patient lives in an apartment building that does not permit
medical marijuana to be grown, and there is no nonprofit in their town
to serve them, they should be allowed to have their care-giver grow
the medical marijuana for them," Szczepanski said.
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