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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Police Losing Fight To Stop Cocaine Use
Title:UK: Police Losing Fight To Stop Cocaine Use
Published On:2008-10-31
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-11-02 13:28:54

Number of people taking drug now tops 800,000, Home Office figures

Britain is losing the war against cocaine with new figures showing a
dramatic increase in people using the drug over the past decade and a
slump in the volume seized by police.

The proportion of adults using cocaine in the past year has increased
nearly four-fold since 1996, to an estimated 810,000 people a year,
Home Office figures showed.

Separate figures showed the volume of cocaine seized by police has
fallen by more than half since 2003 to 3.2 tonnes last year, despite
an increase in the number of seizures.

Overall, drug use has fallen since 2004, led by continuing reductions
in the use of cannabis, but the proportion of adults using cocaine in
the past year has soared from 0.6 per cent in 1996 to 2.3 per cent in

Ministers are planning a major new public relations offensive
targeting cocaine use, with another "Frank" campaign to warn
youngsters of the dangers of using the drug.

However, previous campaigns have not been successful. The figures show
cocaine use among young people has increased in the past decade with
326,000 16-to-24-year-olds estimated to have taken cocaine in the past

Opposition MPs condemned ministers for failing to stem the long term
increase in cocaine use, which has remained stubbornly high, amid
warnings that street prices of the drug have fallen due to buoyant
supply and the increasing use of cut-price adulterated forms of the
drug aimed at low-income users.

Dominic Grieve, the shadow Home Secretary, said: "The Government's
failure to tackle cocaine is deeply disturbing. Rising cocaine abuse
under this government, and the decline in the volume seized by police
has virtually halved its street price - storing up problems for a
whole generation of young people in our society."

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, described
the rise in cocaine use as "startling". He said: "Despite these
impressive figures, it is clear that we are only scratching the
surface of the drug problem in this country.

Research has shown sharp falls in the street price of cocaine, which
has slumped from UKP 70 a gram in 2000 to a current price of about UKP
40 a gram. The Home Office insisted that it was acting to tackle the
levels of cocaine abuse. A spokeswoman said: "Compared to 1996, there
has been an increase in the use of cocaine among young people and
among all adults. However, most of this increase took place in the
period to 2000, since when its use has been broadly stable. Tackling
cocaine use is integral to the delivery of the Government's drug
strategy, and action to tackle its use is embedded within every strand
of the strategy."

Explainer: Cocaine

* Cocaine triggers the release of chemicals already present in the
body, such as adrenaline, stimulating pleasure-giving
neurotransmitters, of which the main one is dopamine.

* Crack cocaine has a more extreme effect, with a sharper high and
quicker low.

* Taking crack used to be called chasing the dragon because the drug
exhausts your brain of dopamine but people keep using it to try to get
another high.

* Smoking either drug can destroy parts of the respiratory

* Using them alongside alcohol can place huge stress on the liver
because people find they can drink more.

* Light recreational users take cocaine in small amounts and do not
use crack.

* Recreational users buy cocaine frequently, typically share it with
friends, and occasionally use crack cocaine.

* Binge users buy and take cocaine in large quantities, regularly buy
crack cocaine, and plan social occasions around their purchases.

* Most light recreational users graduate to heavier usage: they may
claim not to be addicted, but frequently end up dependent on the drug.
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