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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: Editorial: Marijuana Reform Right For Bay State
Title:US MA: Editorial: Marijuana Reform Right For Bay State
Published On:2008-10-22
Source:Republican, The (Springfield, MA)
Fetched On:2008-10-25 16:56:45

You have friends and family members and co-workers who have smoked
marijuana. You may have even indulged a bit yourself back in the day.

Few people today would argue that someone who had been caught with a
small amount of marijuana for his or her own personal use should be
denied, say, a job. Or a student loan. Or an apartment. Or a
professional license.

But that's exactly what could happen under current laws that are in
place in Massachusetts. Question 2 on the November ballot seeks to
right that wrong by making possession of an ounce or less - for
personal use - a civil rather than a criminal offense.

Opponents of Question 2 - most notably district attorneys - argue that
first-time offenders are directed to programs outside the
criminal-justice system and thus leave no record of their
transgression. But that's because the district attorneys currently in
office choose to handle it that way. A successor could opt for a
completely different tack, marking each offender for life.

Question 2 takes that possibility off the table.

Someone caught with a bit of pot would have the marijuana confiscated,
would be assessed a $100 fine - and that would be that. There would be
no criminal proceedings, no record to be accessed.

Question 2 is sound and sensible public policy.

It does not make marijuana legal. It does not make it OK to operate a
motor vehicle under the influence of marijuana. It does not change a
single law on the books regarding the sale or distribution of marijuana.

And it deals with youthful offenders in the most rational way: by
getting the family involved. Juveniles caught with marijuana would
have the citation delivered to a parent or guardian, and would have to
complete a drug awareness program and perform community service.

Across the nation, there are 11 states that have passed laws similar
to Question 2. Some have been in place for decades, and there is no
evidence whatsoever that the change has led to increased marijuana use
or a decrease in general order.

This reform is right for Massachusetts. We urge voters on Nov. 4 to
support Question 2.
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