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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: Groups Argue Over Proposal to Legalize Medical Use of Marijuana
Title:US MI: Groups Argue Over Proposal to Legalize Medical Use of Marijuana
Published On:2008-10-19
Source:Kalamazoo Gazette (MI)
Fetched On:2008-10-19 05:13:21
Merciful or Menacing?


KALAMAZOO -- If it were just about the science -- and not the
politics -- states would allow marijuana for medical purposes, says a
leading researcher who was the first to report the drug's
effectiveness in treating Lou Gehrig's disease.

"There is actually an overwhelming abundance of evidence to support
the medical efficacy of cannabinoids, the active ingredients in
marijuana. There is more evidence (of their effectiveness) than there
is for many prescription drugs," said Dr. Gregory Carter, of the
University of Washington School of Medicine, where he co-directs the
Muscular Dystrophy Association-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou
Gehrig's disease) Clinic.

On Nov. 4, Michigan voters will decide on a ballot proposal that
would allow some severely ill patients to use marijuana.

Some patients with pain, nausea and other symptoms could use
marijuana as a treatment. If voters pass the initiative, Michigan
would become the 15th state -- and the first in the Midwest -- to
have some kind of medical-marijuana law.

Supporters of Proposal 1 say the initiative would give relief without
fear of arrest to people suffering from debilitating diseases.


Opponents say there are synthetic prescription drugs that offer some
of the same benefits as marijuana. Citizens Protecting Michigan's
Kids, which opposes the initiative, said the proposal could lead to
increased teen drug use and hinder police efforts to fight drugs.

Voter passage of the measure would remove state-level penalties for
registered patients using marijuana. But the proposal includes no
provision to provide access to the drug through the state or
pharmacies, and sale of the drug would remain a felony, even to legal
users. Supporters hope users would grow their own plants, but in the
interim until harvest, the marijuana would have to be bought on the street.

"The unintended consequences (of the initiative) are too grave and
too severe," said Appeals Court Judge Bill Schuette, who helped form
Citizens Protecting Michigan's Kids. "I'm a judge. This proposal is a doozy."

Pros and Cons

The law would allow people with debilitating diseases, such as
cancer, glaucoma, AIDS and Alzheimer's disease or those with severe
or chronic pain, seizures, nausea and other ailments approved by the
state, to grow, possess and use limited amounts of marijuana. The
users would need approval from medical doctors, have identification
cards and be entered into a registry.

"I can tell you that, as a physician and researcher specializing in
the care of patients with severe neuromuscular diseases, including
(Lou Gehrig's disease), marijuana works in ways no other medicines do
to help these people, being both a safe and effective medicine," Carter said.

Others aren't convinced.

"They're treating it like a panacea that everybody is waiting for,
and it's not so," said state Sen. Tom George, a Republican from Texas
Township who is also a physician. George opposes the measure.

George, an anesthesiologist, said a synthetic drug called dronabinol
(the commercial name is Marinol) offers benefits similar to those of marijuana.

He said marijuana has many properties not completely known, which
could be hazardous to patients. Because patients would be allowed to
grow their own marijuana, the drug's purity would not be guaranteed,
he said. Neither would it be possible to ensure proper dosage, which
could result in overdoses.

Carter said users have found dronabinol too sedating. He also said
there has never been a reported overdose of marijuana or dronabinol in humans.

"It's pathetically simple to dose," Carter said.

Groups Take Sides

More organizations are supporting medicinal marijuana -- or at least
urging government support of additional research on the drug.

The American College of Physicians, the second-largest medical
society in the United States, is calling for an evidence-based review
to determine whether marijuana's classification should be relaxed.
The group also argues that all physicians who prescribe medical
marijuana and their patients should not face criminal and civil
penalties -- regardless state laws.

Former U.S. Surgeon Generals Joycelyn Elders and Jesse Steinfeld have
publicly endorsed the medical use of marijuana.

Statewide, however, many health and law-enforcement groups have come
out against Proposal 1, including the Michigan State Medical Society
and Prosecuting Attorney's Association.

Dianne Byrum, spokeswoman for the Michigan Coalition for
Compassionate Care, an advocacy group that gathered signatures to put
the question on the November ballot, said the law would apply to a
small percentage of the state's population, perhaps less than half of
1 percent, or about 50,000 people.

"The reality is, they're getting it now," Byrum said of people using
marijuana for medical reasons. "This gives them protection against
arrest and prosecution."

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal agencies
are focused on battling large-scale drug-trafficking operations, not
small-scale users, said spokesman Rich Isaacson, of the DEA's Detroit
office. Medical-marijuana users typically would not be targeted by
the DEA, he said.

Not a First

If voters approve the marijuana initiative, it wouldn't be Michigan's
first law allowing the drug for medical purposes.

In 1979, the Legislature passed a bill that allowed cancer and
glaucoma patients to participate in a federal program that made it
legal for those patients to purchase marijuana for therapeutic reasons.

Greg Francisco, who is spearheading the local campaign to pass
Proposal 1, said the 1979 law allowed patients to use only federally
cultivated marijuana. Francisco said the program ended after about
two years because the federal supply was inadequate. He said about
300 people were enrolled in the program.

"The research is there. It works," Francisco said of medical marijuana.

Francisco is a former Bloomingdale Public Schools counselor who
resigned from his job in 2006 after he was charged with marijuana
possession. The charge was later dropped. Francisco now operates a wool mill.

Five Michigan cities have medical-marijuana ordinances.
Law-enforcement officials in two of those communities, Flint and Ann
Arbor -- similar in size to Kalamazoo -- said they have not had
complaints about medical marijuana since their laws went into effect.

Voters in Flint approved the medical-marijuana ordinance in 2007; Ann
Arbor voters passed a similar law in 2004.
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