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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: How Will the Economic Crisis Impact Drug Use?
Title:US: Web: How Will the Economic Crisis Impact Drug Use?
Published On:2008-10-03
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-10-08 04:57:28

I know a lot about drugs and the drug war, both personally and
professionally. Drugs have had, at alternating times, a positive and
a detrimental impact on my life. I have laughed, relaxed and found
inspiration while intoxicated. I have also struggled, fought and
become despondent because of my addiction to drugs (think cigarettes).

I have spent the last eight years working at the Drug Policy
Alliance, an organization working to reform drug laws. With the
economic crisis in the United States dominating the news, I find
myself wondering what the impact will be on people's drug use and our
country's drug policies. Here are some of my reflections on these
uncertain and stressful times and how my fellow Americans' drug use
may be affected.

People Use Drugs for Joy and Pain, in Good Times and Bad

The New York Times Style Section had a story on September 21st about
the bars on Wall Street being packed during the crazy ups and downs
of the last couple of weeks. One man was quoted as saying that he and
his friends came to drink when something great happened or when
something terrible happened. Basically, people drink to celebrate
the good and drown out the bad. People are losing their homes, their
jobs and their life-savings. I have to believe that the fear and
anxiety being felt by so many will lead to increased use of alcohol
and other drugs to calm fears or numb pain.

We Will Likely Continue or Increase Some Drug Use and Give up Others

With people struggling to pay the bills, most of us will have to make
some sacrifices and cut back on some of our expenses. For many of us,
our drugs will not be one of the items cut from our lives. There have
been stories about alcohol and cigarette sales holding strong, even
in bad times. Many of us will still have our vodka sodas or wine, but
we will drink them at home instead of paying triple the price for a
drink at the local bar.

While some people feel dependent on their drugs, others who use drugs
more recreationally may curb some of their drug use. I have been to
spots in New York where people are out on the town and using cocaine.
Some people may hold off on dropping 50 bucks for a drug they could
take or leave. Some people who only smoke cigarettes socially ("only
when I drink"), may stop paying nine bucks for a pack of smokes. For
others, cigarettes would be purchased at any cost.

Getting Your Drugs from the Pharmacy or the Street

Despite a $40 billion-a-year "war on drugs" and political speeches
about a "drug-free society," our society is swimming in drugs:
cigarettes, sugar, alcohol, marijuana, Prozac, Ritalin, Viagra,
steroids and caffeine. The vast majority of Americans use drugs on a
regular basis. Some people get their sleeping pills or uppers at a
pharmacy. Others get them on the street. If more and more people
lose jobs and/or health insurance we may see a shift from pharmacy
drugs to illicit drugs. Alcohol or marijuana may be a cheaper
sleeping aid or anti-anxiety drugs than their prescribed competitors.

Will the Budget Crisis Lead to Smarter and More Cost-Effective Drug Policy?

There are reasons for hope and concern when it comes to our elected
officials advocating for cost-effective and money-saving drug policy
strategies during the budget crisis. The fear is that treatment and
prevention programs will continue to be cut as states look for ways
to balance their budgets. On the flip side, states can save millions
of dollars by implementing and funding treatment instead of
incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders. "Tough on Crime"
rhetoric is cheap, but paying $40,000 per person to lock someone in a
cage is not. It could be a win-win solution for states to offer
treatment instead of jail for those struggling with addiction. This
policy would save money and lives. Hopefully the economic savings
will get our leaders to do what they already should have been doing,
treat substance abuse as a public health issue instead of criminal justice one.

Bottom Line: Drugs Aren't Going Anywhere

The drug war has been waged over the last 30 years, during good
economic times and bad. Currently we have 500,000 people behind bars
on drug charges. Despite decades of war, incarceration rates and
billions of dollars spent, drugs are as plentiful as ever and easily
accessible. We have to accept that drugs have been around for
thousands of years and will be here for thousands more. We need to
educate people about the possible harm from drug use, offer
compassion and treatment to people who have problems, and leave in
peace the people who are causing harm to no one.
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