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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: California's Propositions
Title:US CA: Column: California's Propositions
Published On:2008-09-21
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-27 16:25:00

Stories Behind the November Ballot Initiatives That You Won't Find in
an Official Voter Guide.

What it does: Authorizes $9.95 billion in bonds to build an electric
train to get people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in just over 2 1/2 hours.

Back story: This is the governor's and the Legislature's baby, years
in the making. They pulled similar measures off ballots in 2004 and
2006 because the stars didn't align for a win. An earlier version
(Proposition 1) also got pulled from the 2008 ballot, this time for a
revise (that's why it's now designated 1A). Lawmakers were arguing
about, among other things, whether the train would run through
Altamont Pass (the site of a deadly 1969 Rolling Stones concert) or
Pacheco Pass (site of the hokey but fun tourist stop Casa de Fruta).
They went with Pacheco.

What it does: Bars use of pens and cages that don't give farm animals
room to turn around, stretch, stand or lie down.

Back story: This is all about chickens. The language on veal calves
and sows tugs on voters' heartstrings, but it's moot; California
produces virtually no commercial pork or veal. Chief opponents -- egg
producers -- argue that without tight cages, their chickens will eat
each other and their own droppings. No matter what, the caged
chickens are doomed: After a short life laying eggs, they are too
spent even for the soup pot.

What it does: Authorizes the sale of $980 million in bonds to upgrade
and expand children's hospitals in California.

Back story: With interest, the measure would cost about $2 billion
over 30 years. Backers are (no surprise) the state's children's
hospitals. California voters authorized $750 million in bonds for
this cause in 2004; just under half of those bonds have yet to be
sold. But how can voters say no to sick kids?

What it does: Amends the state Constitution to require a physician to
notify a minor patient's parent or other adult family member 48 hours
before performing an abortion.

Back story: Deja vu. Californians defeated parental consent or
notification for abortion measures in 2005 and 2006, but had last
year off. (There is no limit on how often failed ballot measures may
be resubmitted to voters.) Proposition 4 adds the "other adult family
member" alternative to answer critics of earlier propositions. It
also would require a girl who chooses that alternative to allege
parental abuse. The Legislature passed a parental consent law in
1987, but it never took effect. The state Supreme Court upheld it in
1996, but on rehearing -- after court membership changed -- struck it
down. Which is why Proposition 4 is a constitutional amendment.

What it does: Mandates probation with treatment instead of jail or
prison for many drug crimes and diminishes sentences and shortens
parole for many nonviolent property crimes when drugs are involved.

Back story: This measure pits two well-known liberals against each
other -- activist and actor Martin Sheen and billionaire
philanthropist George Soros. Sheen, whose son Charlie had
high-profile drug problems in the 1990s, leads the opposition
because, he has said, "successful rehabilitation requires
accountability." Soros and former Soros executive Jacob Goldfied are
Proposition 5's top financial backers. If voters pass Proposition 5
and Proposition 6, they would simultaneously loosen and stiffen
penalties for drug offenses.

What it does: Commits close to 1% of the state's annual general fund
budget for anti-crime programs. The state Legislative Analyst's
Office estimates costs of $500 million for additional prison space.

Back story: This is the Son of Three Strikes and Jessica's Law. It's
sponsored in part by Mike Reynolds, author of the 1994 Three Strikes
Initiative, and state Sen. George Runner (R-Lancaster), whose
anti-sex-offender Proposition 83 -- Jessica's Law -- won 71% of the
vote in 2006. The top donor is Henry T. Nicholas III, who gave $1
million (see Proposition 9).

What it does: Increases the clean-generation requirement on
investor-owned utilities and extends them to municipal companies,
like the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

Back story: The primary backer (with a donation of $3 million) is
Peter Sperling, son of University of Phoenix founder, cat-cloner and
octogenarian liberal proposition-meister John Sperling (who in 2000
gave California Proposition 36, mandating treatment instead of prison
for drug convictions, a failed initiative to soften three strikes,
and several others besides). Caveatfor green voters: This measure is
intended to advance green power and improve the environment but is
opposed by a host of high-profile environmental groups, who say it
will undermine many green-power efforts.

What it does: Outlaws same-sex marriage by adding the following words
to the state Constitution: "Only marriage between a man and a woman
is valid or recognized in California."

Back story: More deja vu. Californians expressly outlawed same-sex
marriage in a voter initiative in 2000. But that was mere law, which
the state Supreme Court struck down earlier this year in a case that
found that the right to marry is fundamental -- the state can't deny
marriage to a couple based on their sex. Proposition 8 opponents
tried (but failed) to get the court to also strike the measure from
the ballot on the argument that voters cannot strip citizens of their
state constitutional rights. If the initiative passes, they will be back.

What it does: Amends the state Constitution to give enforceable
rights to the families of crime victims.

Back story: This is the centerpiece of a law-and-order campaign by
billionaire businessman and engineer Henry T. Nicholas III and is
called "Marsy's Law" in memory of his murdered sister. It qualified
for the ballot on June 6 -- the day after indictments were unsealed
against Nicholas for a variety of drug charges and for allegedly
violating securities laws. Nicholas gave $4.8 million to the campaign
but distanced himself after the charges against him were reported.
Among other things, Proposition 9 would limit the number of chances
for parole for many convicted criminals.

What it does: Authorizes the sale of $5 billion in bonds ($9.8
billion when interest is included) to provide rebates to buyers of
natural gas and other alternative fuel vehicles.

Back story: Uncle T. Boone Pickens wants you: The Texas oilman is
underwriting Proposition 10, which will likely drum up buyers for
cars that run on natural gas. His company, Clean Energy Fuels Corp.,
produces and markets ... natural gas.

What it does: Strips the Legislature of its power to draw the lines
of Assembly and Senate districts (every 10 years, after new census
figures come out) and turns the job over to a 14-member citizens' commission.

Back story: Do Californians care that most of the time district
boundaries are drawn to consolidate incumbent power? If they do, why
did they reject reform in 2005 and eight times before that? In a
political sop to Nancy Pelosi, this measure leaves out congressional
districts -- a fact that has alienated some Republicans. Minority
advocates are alienated because there is no guarantee that anyone on
the commission will speak for their constituents.

What it does: Authorizes a bond to extend a state program allowing
veterans access to low-interest mortgages.

Back story: The 27th time's a charm: Voters have already approved
bonds for Cal-Vet mortgages 26 times since the program was
established for World War I veterans in 1921. Opposition is hard to
come by -- the "con" ballot argument was written by Gary B. Wesley, a
Mountain View lawyer who for many years has taken for himself the
task of writing against measures when no one else will. The current
Cal-Vet program only covers veterans who served before 1977.
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