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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: North Clinton Rising
Title:US NY: North Clinton Rising
Published On:2006-06-28
Source:City Newspaper (Rochester, NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 01:25:10

A Stalled Ethnic Market Gains Momentum

Albert Algarin is talking about a marriage. We are walking along
North Clinton Avenue, as we do almost every Friday. Algarin, who's
due for knee surgery the next week, uses a crutch to support his
weight. The pale sun hangs overhead. Somewhere nearby, a radio plays
a Latin pop song. A woman dances on her stoop --- a sexy, soulful dance.

North Clinton Avenue, says Algarin, is like a bride, "a bride waiting
for her groom." The groom, he says, is La Marqueta. It's a colloquial
word: marqueta. Spanish street talk, says Algarin, for marketplace.
It's more than that, though. It's a hybrid word, a reflection,
perhaps, of the immigrant experience. Or maybe that's a stretch.

But so, then, is Marqueta: a proposed Hispanic marketplace in the
heart of Rochester's inner city. The land for the project is a barren
field. A plastic bag bobs in the wind and catches in the weeds.
Nearby, along one of North Clinton's many side streets, glass shards
and drug needles lie in the grass. Someone's ripped the siding off a
house, now boarded up and marked for demolition.

But for Algarin, president of the North Clinton Avenue Business
Association and former Northeast Rochester resident, there's gold
beneath this dirt. It glistens. See, he says. He's pointing to a
clothing store painted orange, yellow, and purple. Across the street,
an Asian woman cranks an old lever to open the gate to her
restaurant. Toddlers from North Clinton's
BethesdaChildDevelopmentCenter walk hand-in-hand toward Borinquen Bakery.

This, says Algarin, is what North Clinton is all about: color,
festivity, passion.

What it is not about is implied. It is not about the decay. It is not
about the crime, the arson, the gunshots in the night. Wipe North
Clinton clean, says Algarin, and you have not just a Latino hub, but
an international one. Look at the Yemenese clothing-store owner, the
Eastern European butcher on the corner, the new soul-food restaurant
chef serving up plates of chitlins and collard greens. Look at these
merchants, he says, and you begin to see what the area can be.

Remove the roof at Marketplace Mallin Henrietta,add a few street
vendors, novelty shops, grass, flowers, benches, an open-air cafe,
and maybe a church, and you can envision something close to a
placita. These Latino marketplaces often serve not just as shopping
areas but also as town centers. They are places where people
congregate to eat, shop, or just pass the time.

Rethinking retail, however, is a difficult task --- especially in a
climate as frigid and fickle as Rochester's. But if recreating the
placita in its entirety would be difficult in the northeastern United
States, creating a hybrid of sorts may be possible. At least that's
what city officials hope.

The city addressed ways to clean up North Clinton Avenue between
Upper Falls Boulevard and Avenue D --- often referred to as La
Avenida --- in its 2000 revitalization plan. Among the ideas was La
Marqueta, a retail complex on a vacant city-owned parcel in the 800
block of North Clinton Avenue.

Using DeWolff Partnership Architects as their project consultant,
city officials envisioned a glass-encased building fronted by an
outdoor plaza with tiled walkways, gardens, and a fountain. Five
years later, those renderings have been scrapped, but plans for La
Marqueta are moving forward.

Larry Glazer of Buckingham Properties has agreed to buy and develop
the land. His was the only firm willing to take the risk. Among the
biggest developers in the city, Glazer's projects include successful
mixed-use buildings on University Avenue and a conversion of the
Artcraft Optical building downtown. He also recently bought the
former GeneseeHospital on Alexander Street.

Glazer describes Marqueta as a strip mall with a Hispanic touch. It
will be colorful, he says, and certain facade elements will reflect
Latino architecture. If his description sounds vague, it is. "I don't
want to promise something that I can't deliver," says Glazer, who
submitted preliminary design plans to the city earlier this month.
What he does say, though, is that he would like to build a two-story
complex, with 20,000 square feet of retail on the first floor and
10,000 square feet of office space on the second.

Plans for the second floor, though, are tentative. Glazer says
there's a need for basic services in the area, such as doctor's
offices and counseling centers, but he's not sure he can attract
tenants. "We can't build it and hope they will come," he says.

A controversial part of Glazer plan is a parking lot in front of the
site, which eliminates the outdoor plaza. "It has been proven over
and over and over again that when you have retail, you must have
parking in the front, because you can't have two entrances in the
store," says Glazer. "They can't guard two storefronts. This is the
reality of what the market will accept."

The city's deputy commissioner of economic development, Phil Banks,
says he was disappointed to see the plans putting a parking lot in
front of the building. But he says it's also important not to create
a building that limits retail potential, especially in such a
high-risk area. "Even though I didn't like it, I had to understand
where he was coming from," says Banks. "He's the developer, and there
are other designs aspects that I found very attractive."

Banks says Glazer will have to justify his proposal to a
project-review committee composed of city officials and private
architects. That committee will also determine what elements of the
plan run counter to zoning requirements and what variances Glazer would need.

Banks stresses that the city remains committed to creating a
noticeably ethnic marketplace. "It's got to be something different
for it to work," he says.

Stalling progress currently, though, are not Glazer's design plans
for Marqueta, but neighboringbuildings that he believes will
discourage people from shopping there. Of particular concern, he
says, is a needle exchange site.

"How am I possibly going to bring good tenants in when I have a
needle exchange there?" Glazer asks. The needle exchange will move to
another location in the area, and the city, says Banks, is working
through the condemnation process needed to demolish the building. But
that takes time.

Glazer also wants to demolish a neighboring building housing a
Chinese restaurant and a couple of houses behind Marqueta. It's
impossible, he says, to break ground on the project until those
demolitions are completed. Glazer says he doubts work will begin
until at least the spring of next year. He hopes, he says, to hold
public forums for people to view and discuss his design plans
sometime this fall.

Glazer's hesitation underscores perhaps the project's biggest
challenge: its surroundings. The risks associated with Marqueta,
Glazer and other proponents acknowledge, are impossible to ignore.
"Impediments to North Clinton Avenue's commercial success include
high vacancies, deteriorated buildings, sporadic retail blocks, and
serious criminal activity, including drugs," city analysts wrote in
their 2000 study.

Those problems are particularly prevalent in the neighborhoods
bordering North Clinton Avenue. Many houses here are boarded up and
covered in graffiti. Looters have broken windows and stolen vinyl
siding. Police Captain Mark Case, who often joins Algarin's Friday
walks, advises people to wear thick-soled shoes to avoid getting
stuck by heroin needles. A huge challenge, says Algarin, will be to
convince people to shop in an area showing such decay.

For all the neighborhood's difficulties, though, city analysts found
that several factors make Marqueta economically feasible. Rochester,
like many areas around the country, has seen a surge in its Latino
population. According to the 2000 Census, Rochester was 13 percent
Latino, and many of them are concentrated in the city's northeast
quadrant. More than 40 percent of the people living around the
Marqueta site are Latino, according to the city's 2000 economic
analysis of North Clinton.

The same analysis also determined that approximately half of the
occupied storefronts in the area had recognizable Latino names or
carried many Latino-specific products. But North Clinton Avenue has
more than just a Latino draw, researchers found. With between 12,000
and almost 20,000 cars driving through the area every day, North
Clinton remains one of Rochester's most heavily traveled arteries.

"Only major roads such as Ridge Road, Lake Avenue, and the
expressways have higher traffic counts," researchers wrote. Moreover,
only about half of the residents in the area own a car, compared to
more than 75 percent citywide. "Local residents will walk up to half
a mile for weekly shopping needs," researchers wrote.

Finally, the researchers quoted a 1999 study by Hunter Interests,
Inc., which determined that northeast Rochester can support up to
80,000 square feet of additional retail space.

Look at those numbers! exclaims Gladys Santiago, vice president of
City Council and Council's only Hispanic member. We're sitting in a
diner on Culver Road.

There's a bite to Santiago's voice. Marqueta is the primary reason
she ran for office 12 years ago, she says. Northeast Rochester is
also the area Santiago calls home. "Latinos, a lot of them ended up
on Clinton Avenue," she says. "We were one of those families. So my
dad put a store up, a grocery store, sold all those products that he
used to get from New York."

Various groups, says Santiago, have been trying to revitalize North
Clinton Avenue for a quarter century. Originally, Latino leaders
hoped simply to clean up the street --- which has been accomplished
to some extent through small-business improvement grants. Many stores
have received coats of fresh paint, and Algarin's business
association recently secured enough funds to place more than 25
planters along North Clinton.

But Marqueta has stalled. North Clinton's residents, says Santiago,
not only deserve Marqueta, they need it. Just look at the Tops at the
Upper Falls Boulevard-North Clinton intersection, she says: "It's
packed. It's packed, for God's sake. If it was bigger, you know the
business it would be making!"

Many, like Santiago and Algarin, point to an East Coast Hispanic
marketplace as indicative of Marqueta's commercial potential.
Hartford, Connecticut, first opened El Mercado 17 years ago. Since
then, says Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez, one of the project's earliest
proponents and New England's first Latino mayor, the strip has become
the city's ethnic hub.

Like North Clinton Avenue, says Perez, Mercado's commercial strip was
riddled with crime. It had drugs. It had gangs. It had murders. Now,
he says, crime in the area has declined. And Latinos from across the
region visit Mercado to shop and eat both inside and outside the
complex. Mercado and its surroundings, says Perez, do better business
than Hartford's center city.

Much of the area's success, he says, can be attributed to Hartford's
Spanish American Merchants Association. Similar to Algarin and his
efforts with the North Clinton Avenue Business Association, SAMA
leaders worked tirelessly to clean up their commercial district. They
too walked the street, got rid of loiterers, and gained the trust of
area business owners. Now, says Algarin, businesses pay up to $30,000
to put the SAMA logo on their advertisements --- money that goes into
growing Mercado.

Hartford city officials are looking to build a high-end retail and
housing complex next to Mercado, says Perez. The area surrounding
Mercado is still poor, he says, and his hope is that a mixed-income
project of this nature will elevate the area economically as well as
draw non-Latinos into Hartford's inner city.

Mercado, however,has one distinct advantage over Marqueta: the
Mercado area is more than 90 percent Latino. The North Clinton area
is less than half that.

But that alone, say Marqueta's proponents, doesn't erase the
similarities. Moreover, says Daisy Rivera Algarin, a bilingual
marketing specialist for the city and Albert Algarin's wife,
businesses on North Clinton have a history of evolving to suit their
clientele --- which includes Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Asians, and
Eastern Europeans. "It's interesting to watch the menus," she says,
noting for example: "If you go to Wang's Chinese, you can get Chinese
food and Puerto Rican tostones."

Instead of referring to Marqueta as a Latino marketplace, says Albert
Algarin, it might be better to think of it as an international market
with a Latino feel. Non-Latino merchants in the area say they
appreciate that Marqueta might have room for them, as well. "We need
a store for us," says Fahd Abdulsalam, a Yemenese immigrant and
manager at His & Hers Apparel on North Clinton. Given the
opportunity, Abdulsalam would like to open a boutique inside the
Marqueta complex.

And Glazer says he would like to see a mix of small mom-and-pop
stores and larger franchises. "Just because it's a Latino or black
neighborhood doesn't mean that they don't need basic services that
everybody uses everywhere," he says.

The city's economic development officials originally thought that
"people would come from Pittsford and all over to shop there," says
Glazer. "I said, 'I don't think so.'" Marqueta may eventually have a
regional draw, he says, but the immediate goal should be to create a
self-sustaining marketplace.

Most hope, however, that Marqueta will eventuallyattract a wider
audience. Marqueta, says City Councilmember Ben Douglas, cannot exist
in isolation. Not only should it reduce blight and crime in the
immediate area, but it should spread growth outward, south toward
downtown and north toward Irondequoit. Whereas Algarin sees Avenida
as the bride and Marqueta as the groom, Douglas says: "If La Avenida
is the bride, the groom is the entire community that surrounds that
area. Because the bride cannot make that marriage all by herself."

Marqueta can replicate Mercado's success, Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez
says, if the city and the North Clinton Avenue Business Association
remain committed to the project. "It has to be an investment that
continues to get leveraged," he says. "You can't just do one move and
hope that that will finish it."

Time, says Angelo Caraballo, the North Clinton Avenue Business
Association's community liaison, is one thing he and Algarin
understand. Caraballo calls his commitment to the North Clinton area
his "15-year plan."

Changes are already happening, says Algarin. When he began walking
North Clinton Avenue's business strip once a week in 2002, the
situation there was "rough," he says. "I saw a lot of debris. I saw
boarded-up houses in the business strip. I saw a lot of hangouts," he says.

Now, says Algarin, there appears to be a small resurgence in
commercial activity, and storefront loiterers have become less
visible. Caraballo points to the third story of a building. That, he
says, is where merchants asked police to hide out and watch for drug
exchanges. The targeted business has since closed shop.

Algarin recognizes, though, that there are a lot of different voices
and visions surrounding La Marqueta. But he says deep down just about
everybody involved in the project wants the same basic things. They
want, he says, to build a marketplace for those already living in the
North Clinton area, and they want to create a marketplace that people
both inside and outside the city --- look to as the ethnic center
of Rochester.

"We're here because we're seriously committed to building this
neighborhood," he says.

He's cleaning up North Clinton Avenue, Algarin says, for tomorrow's
generation: "Those kids are living in the neighborhood that I lived
in. If I can leave a better neighborhood for them, then they'll leave
a better neighborhood for the next generation and the next generation."
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