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News (Media Awareness Project) - LTE: Overbearing government
Title:LTE: Overbearing government
Published On:1997-04-09
Source:The StarLedger.
Fetched On:2008-09-08 20:29:42
The StarLedger
1 Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ 071021200
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Overbearing government

One bold headline in your March 21 edition proclaimed, "Tobacco firm to a
in war against rivals." The tobacco firm is the Liggett Group. Who is the

Liggett Group going to aid and in what war? Has the government in fact
declared war on a business (tobacco) that is a legal business, that provide
billions in tax revenue to the treasury and that employs many thousands of

American workers?

If the government declared war, then President Clinton and Congress shoul
pass and publicize a declaration of war to clarify the goal of the war. I

suspect that the goal is a total prohibition of the sale, possession and us
of tobacco in the United States. What next? Why not declare war on meat and

snack food companies whose products when "used as advertised" promote death

through atherosclerosis? More deaths per year occur from nonsmokingrelate
heart diseases than from smoking. "War" against legitimate businesses smack
of socialism, which is where we are headed.

Let the free market reign and let Americans make their own informed choic
rather than have the government decide what's best.

C4Richard Dondes, East Brunswick
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