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News (Media Awareness Project) - Quotes on Drug Lifer Law
Title:Quotes on Drug Lifer Law
Published On:1997-09-07
Fetched On:2008-09-07 22:51:28
.c The Associated Press

``The law did not accomplish its objective. We may have picked up a few
significant dealers but in the process of doing so, we picked up a number of
people who were only peripherally involved, some of them young,
unsophisticated, exploited by older, experienced criminals. ... I do believe
some injustices have occurred.'' John O'Hair, prosecutor in Wayne County,
which includes Detroit.

``It has not helped solve the drug problem nor is it costeffective. ... Our
20year experiment is an enormous mistake.'' Elizabeth Jacobs, a defense
lawyer who heads Attorneys Against Excessive Mandatory Minimums.

``From the day I first became a judge and handled my first 650 case, my hope
and prayer has been that it would change. ... People are really beginning to
realize small fish are caught up in it, as opposed to kingpins. A lot of them
are just little mules and couriers and gofers.'' Judge Gershwin Drain in

``I have found it is an extremely effective deterrent and it removes
largerlevel drug dealers from our streets. ... I believe anyone involved in
distributing more than 650 grams of cocaine causes as much death and
suffering to families as a firstdegree murderer.'' Tony Tague, prosecutor
in Muskegon County in western Michigan.

``I regard the penalties as unjust without any question. They're just not
constitutionally defective. ... I really think the whole system makes a
mistake when it removes discretion. ... These intensively harsh penalties
corrupt the system and force judges to violate their own oath.'' Judge
Terrance K. Boyle, who has handled lifer cases.

``In my experience, most people who have that much dope in their possession
don't stumble across it accidentally. ... I'm sure there are circumstances
where someone may not be a big fish, but these people know a big fish.''
state drug czar Darnell Jackson, who believes the law doesn't need to be
repealed, but supports some changes.

APNY090697 1218EDT
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