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News (Media Awareness Project) - Germans face drug charges after swoop
Title:Germans face drug charges after swoop
Published On:1997-09-23
Source:Press & Journal (Aberdeen, UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-07 22:16:05
Source: Press & Journal (Aberdeen, UK)
Contact: editor@pj.ajl.co.uk

International operation yields ukp10m haul

TWO Germans will face drugs charges at Wick Sheriff Court today after a
dramatic swoop by customs officers off Shetland at the weekend.

The officers intercepted the 45ft Karin and found about 3 tonnes of
cannabis worth up to ukp 10million.

The 45ft ketch was escorted into Lerwick yesterday and her two
crewmen were questioned by customs and excise officials before being
flown to the mainland. The Karin was boarded 70 miles north of
Shetland after dark on Saturday.

Glasgowbased customs officers from the National Investigation Service,
sailing on two cutters, had moved in on the ketch, believed to have an
engine as well as sails.

Customs had tracked the vessel thousands of miles from Morocco in an
international operation carried out under rarelyused 1990 legislation,
designed for swoops outside territorial waters.

The cannabis is believed to have been destined for Hamburg, where the Karin
is registered, though customs said last night that was only speculation at
the moment.

But they believe they have dealt a severe blow to an international
smuggling gang
The names and ages of the two arrested men have not been released. Customs
spokesman Ranald MacDonald said: "she has been shadowed up the coast of the

"The two Germans on board were taken to Lerwick for questioning.
"There was between two and three tonnes of cannabis on board which
would be worth ukp 6 million to 10 million although we are still
searching the vessel.

We have been working with other custom authorities for some time on this
vessel and it was decided to take her out for operational reasons.

"It is a major seizure and will have damaging effects on the supply
of the drug." Mr MacDonald said the investigation would continue to
try and find out more about the organisation behind the alleged smugglers.

"It is the biggest seizure off the Scottish coast for some time," he said.

It is understood the Karin will be taken today to Inverness where she will
be taken apart and searched further.
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