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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: 'Tsar' Hellawell rules out legalisation of drugs
Title:UK: 'Tsar' Hellawell rules out legalisation of drugs
Published On:1997-10-15
Source:The Independent
Fetched On:2008-09-07 21:22:24
'Tsar' Hellawell rules out legalisation of drugs

The country's first drugs "tsar" was formally appointed yesterday. But as
Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent, discovers, there are worries that he
lack the funds to make the initiative a success.

A national debate on the use of drugs won the support of the "tsar"
yesterday, but any question of decriminalisation or legalisation were

Keith Hellawell, Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, and the police chief's
spokesman on drugs, said his first task was to draw up a national strategy
for dealing with the burgeoning problem.

Considered a controversial, but forward thinking person, Mr Hellawell said
he was confident that he could make a real impact in his £102,000ayear
role as UK Antidrugs Coordinator.

Drug agencies yesterday welcomed the initiative but criticised the lack of

The appointment coincided with the publication of Home Office figures that
show the number of registered drug addicts increased last year by 17 per
cent to 43,400 although this is only a tiny proportion of users. New
addicts aged under 21 rose by a third and the number of drug related deaths
rose to about 1,800 in 1995, up by about 180 on the previous year.

Mr Hellawell, 55, who has hit the headlines with ideas such as legalising
brothels, said he welcomed discussions about soft drugs. "The debate on
decriminalisation has gone on for some time. I'm happy for the debate to go
on, but it needs to be informed," he said.

He added: "All that I have seen over the years about that debate has led me
to believe that decriminalisation or legalisation would not help."

Ann Taylor, chair of the Cabinet subcommittee on drugs, said that the
three key objectives for the forthcoming strategy were to reduce drug
supply, health risks and demand amongst young people.

Mr Hellawell will be aided by his deputy Michael Trace, 36, currently
Director of the Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners' Trust, and a staff
of six.

The drug chief will have direct access to the Prime Minister but no new

Mike Goodman, director of Release, the drugs and legal advice group, said:
"It is unfortunate that the Government have refused extra funding for
treatment and education and refused to look at the case for reforming the
drug laws," he said.

"Regrettably that is like tying the hands of the drugs tsar behind his
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