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News (Media Awareness Project) - Zedillo Assails U.S. for 'Mess' Left by Drugs
Title:Zedillo Assails U.S. for 'Mess' Left by Drugs
Published On:1997-10-25
Source:International HeraldTribune
Fetched On:2008-09-07 20:54:46
Zedillo Assails U.S. for "Mess" Left by Drugs
By Douglas Farah
Washington Post Service

MEXICO CITYPresident Ernesto Zedillo, breaking from his traditionally
diplomatic tone, said the United States should pay Mexico reparations for
the harm that drug trafficking has done his nation rather than judge
MeXico's antidrug efforts.

The remarks, published Wednesday in several newspapers, were made to
reporters after a meeting of the InterAmerican Press Association in
Guadalajara. A presidential spokesman had no comment on the statements,
which were not taped. But several newspapers quoted Mr. Zedillo's
statements identically.

Mr. Zedillo's comments, which contrasted with his frequent public pledges
of cooperation, came as the debate over Mexicos antidrug efforts continued
in the United States and as senior U.S. and Mexican officials met in
Washington to find new ways to cooperate in the fight against drug

For example, Mr. Zedillo, who in the past has gone out of his way to avoid
confrontation on drugrelated issues blasted the annual process of
certification, in which the United States evaluates the anti drug efforts
of countries around the world. "They still want to certify us," Mr. Zedillo
was quoted as saying. "They should indemnify us for the filthy mess
theyleave us."

The process is detested by Latin Americans, who say the United States
where most of the cocaine produced in the hemisphere is consumed lacks
the moral authority to judge otha nations.
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