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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: Independence Day
Title:US: Web: Independence Day
Published On:2006-07-07
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 00:44:57

On the 4th of July we celebrate freedom from tyranny and oppression
but, of course, that doesn't mean we have it. With more people in
prison here than anywhere else on earth, is this the way to be the
land of the free?

The drug war is a senseless, hypocritical, failed policy. It has
turned Texas into a prison kingdom, incarcerating around a 1000 poor
souls out of every 100,000 of us, more than any totalitarian regime
in the whole world..

Our official's betrayal of the public trust is an epidemic! They have
forgotten their role as public servants! Instead they would have us
cower before our masters! Our law enforcement have forgotten how to
serve and protect!

Big government tries to legislate morality. Like flagellant priests,
overzealous drug warriors draw blood daily from their brothers for
their medicinal and recreational drug use.

No legitimate business last long if it kills it's customers or shoots
the competition. No legitimate business would sell drugs to children
or recruit them to sell to their peers. This happened during alcohol
prohibition and it is happening today. Once again, prohibition
creates more danger to the user and society by increasing violent
crime and corruption of public officials.

The drug war obviously exacerbates, rather than reduces, racial
prejudice! The White incarceration rate nationwide was 393 per
100,000, Latino-957 and Black-2,531.

The Controlled Substances Act is one of those bad laws like the
Fugitive Slave Act and the Volstead Act. When juries refuse to
convict on "drug crime," drug warriors will be politically dead
bodies. Jury nullification is a constitutional power tool we the people pack!

Yes, the truth is out and spreading like wildfire! It will not be
suppressed, until every household knows the clamor, the swelling
protest, exposing dark, dirty secrets of heinous crimes against
humanity! Truth is our fireworks for this dry year in Texas.

We are in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, etc. for the oil or power and money.

War is a tool governments use to make us more accepting of their
waste of our precious lives and resources. The Iraq war and drug war
are smokescreens for corruption but something smells rotten!

We tolerate tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals. They are implicated
in about a quarter of the deaths that occur each year in this
country. War, prisons, the militarization of police creates a
booming economy for some on the suffering of many. A less
hypocritical policy, in the spirit of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
with our Bible and Constitution always close at hand, "will
overcome," drug abuse with compassion, education and treatment.

We can see where our laws are causing more harm than good with modern
statistical reporting, and change accordingly. We can't take that
necessary evil, money out of the equation but we can demand
compassionate policy and ethics from our leaders when peace lovers,
liberty lovers, true patriots unite!

Leaders responsible for current quagmire will one day answer to a
higher power for their crimes against humanity. It's time to end the
terror by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign
and domestic. The monetary costs are staggering and the human
suffering unconscionable.

"God bless America, land that I love!"
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