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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE's: Cannabis Clubs and Drugs in Prison
Title:US CA: LTE's: Cannabis Clubs and Drugs in Prison
Published On:1998-01-16
Source:Los Angeles Times
Fetched On:2008-09-07 16:58:16
Substance Abuse

Re "Drugs, Alcohol Linked to 80% of Those Behind Bars," Jan. 9:

If we stopped the insane war on drugs--which has accomplished nothing,
except to severely erode the constitutional rights on which this country
was founded--and instead devoted all those billions to drug and alcohol
rehabilitation, we would all be better off. The jails would have room for
the violent criminals who are a threat to all of us; and the nonviolent
drug and alcohol addicts could get the treatment they need to become
contributing citizens, instead of expensive, taxpayer-supported prisoners.

Eagle Rock

U.S. Seeks to Close Cannabis Clubs

Re "U.S. Launches Drive to Close Marijuana Clubs," Jan. 10, and the news
that Gov. Pete Wilson's budget would boost spending for prisons: Do I smell
a correlation here? Usual special interests at work? Drive pot back
underground and more kids will get caught and fill more cells in more
jails--prisons being the largest growth industry in the country. The U.S.
has the largest prison population per capita of civilized nations. Ipso
facto we can justifiably surmise that after 10 to 20 years of
incarceration, we will release into our tender midst the largest cadre of
hardened criminals in the world. Our doctors have approved the smoking of
marijuana as a panacea for cancer patients et al. The people of California
have voted to legalize the growth of pot for medicinal purposes for one's
own use. Let the federal government respect the "will of the people"!
GEORGE MARGO Malibu * I think it is time we California voters reminded the
president that the medical marijuana initiative, Proposition 215, got more
votes than he did. I never thought I'd be voting Libertarian, but I am now!
The Republicans never had me, and the Democrats lost me.


Copyright Los Angeles Times
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