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News (Media Awareness Project) - Oops, error, and Thank You
Title:Oops, error, and Thank You
Published On:1998-01-30
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-09-07 16:16:40
Yesterday we sent out, in the 'Drugnews-Digest Thursday, January 29 1998
Volume 98 : Number 069' and the 'Mapnews-Digest Thursday, January 29 1998
Volume 98 : Number 110' and as a single MN: item the following story:

Subj: US VA: Panel Backs Marijuana, Heroin Ban
Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia)
Contact: feedback@gateway-va.com
Pubdate: Wed, 28 Jan 1998


Bill concerns medicinal use; alternative remedies cited

The House Courts of Justice Committee voted yesterday for banning the use
of marijuana and heroin as prescribed medicines in Virginia.

The actual publication date was Monday, 27 Jan 1997! With a little help
from our roboeditor, it got right past us. Guess we were working so hard on
getting the news out we forgot which year it is.

Thank you "roy b. scherer" for pointing this out
to us!

Oh, and thanks to the folks who have replied to our request for more news
service editing volunteers. I will be providing the volunteers with details
on our process over the weekend, so if there is anyone else interested in
helping, please send me a note now.

Richard Lake
Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
email: rlake@MAPinc.org
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