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News (Media Awareness Project) - Note to readers and newshawks - anonymous posting
Title:Note to readers and newshawks - anonymous posting
Published On:1998-02-21
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-09-07 15:12:30
You may post news items to editor@mapinc.org and remain anonymous as
Patrick Henry did. The process is simple. Just start the body of the news
item with the lead

be exactly as shown) and then sends my posting team the message with the

Please, if you want to be very careful, add a note at the start of the
message that you do not want to be identified.

Of course, you may provide either an email address or your webpage homepage
(but not both as the line must fit on a single line for posting).

Note that I appreciate, but do not require, a note directly to me if you
plan to be anonymous just in case we have a question about an item. We do
providing it. Period.

So if you use this method of posting, please be sure to provide the Source:
Pubdate: Contact: and other appropriate lead lines if possible as it
precludes extra research that delays posting.

Yes, I understand why folks may wish to post under an assumed name. Many
use office computers and do not want their boss to know (be careful, it is
not that hard for the boss to monitor computer activity including outgoing
email if they desire). Some simply do not want their email address exposed.
We have no problem at all with that.

Richard Lake
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