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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AL: OPED: A Fix For Alabama's Prison Woes
Title:US AL: OPED: A Fix For Alabama's Prison Woes
Published On:2006-07-16
Source:Anniston Star (AL)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 00:10:44

Speaker's Stand

Sadly, America's first national prison commission in 30 years failed
to tackle, head-on, our lock 'em up culture and to find ways to reduce
the number of people behind bars in Alabama and elsewhere. The
commission's recent report is little more than a how-to manual to help
wardens cope with overcrowded prisons that breed violence, disease and
recidivism. What we really need is a road map to drastically shrink
Alabama's prison population and, at the same time, save state
taxpayers a lot of money.

"Confronting Confinement," the report by the Commission on Safety and
Abuse in America's Prisons, admits: "It was beyond the scope of our
inquiry to explore how states and the federal government might
sensibly reduce prisoner populations. Yet all that we studied is
touched by, indeed in the grip of, America's unprecedented reliance on
incarceration. We incarcerate more people at a higher rate than any
country in the world."

The study rightly pins responsibility for our overcrowded prisons on
tough-on-crime laws passed by state and federal legislators. But it
does not look for ways to downsize America's booming prison industry
that adds more than 1,000 new inmates per week, costs more than $60
billion a year and employs about 750,000 workers to watch over 2.2
million inmates - almost double the 1990 prison population.

The commission never asked this question: Why pay room and board to
put someone like Martha Stewart, or a pot smoker or a car thief behind
bars when modern electronic tracking devices can easily keep tabs on
these nonviolent criminals at a fraction of the cost?

The good news is that Alabama is one of 13 states headed in the right
direction. From 2003 to 2004, state inmates dropped by 2,026. The bad
news: Alabama taxpayers still shelled out about $276 million in 2003
to hire 7,777 state and local corrections employees to watch over
29,100 inmates. That's about $9,400 per year, per inmate.

Nationally, about one-half of all state prisoners have been convicted
of violent crimes, including murder and assault. The other half - in
the case of Alabama about 14,500 inmates - are nonviolent, many of
them convicted of possession or sale of small quantities of drugs. For
such offenders - and for low-level burglars and embezzlers - prison
can do more harm than good. Many will leave prison more violent and
possessing better criminal skills than when they arrived. And even
those who want to go straight will have a hard time finding a
legitimate job.

Why not treat these offenders differently? The Council of State
Governments reports that halfway houses and non-residential,
community-based supervision programs, including day reporting centers,
community service and other work assignments, are viable alternatives
to incarceration. These alternatives also allow offenders to build
work and social skills needed to avoid future run-ins with the law.

In 2003, Alabamians also spent $86 million, or about $1,900 per year,
to supervise each of 45,000 non-incarcerated convicts. That means for
every nonviolent inmate shifted from inside prison to non-prison
punishment, taxpayers could save upwards of $7,500 per year. If all
14,500 nonviolent inmates were released to alternative punishments,
the state could potentially save $108 million annually.

Five years ago, California started sending drug offenders to treatment
programs instead of prison and, based on a recent UCLA study, the
state has saved about $173 million a year and no longer needs to build
a planned new prison. Total savings: $1.4 billion. Maryland is cutting
their prison population and saving money with a similar program.

Overcrowded, violent and disease-filled prisons and jails are here to
stay as long as the number of inmates sent to prison goes up year
after year. As a society, we are quick to needlessly fill prisons with
nonviolent inmates, and too slow to find alternative ways to punish
and rehabilitate them.

We now need a second commission to finish the job, and publish a
step-by-step road map for ending America's "unprecedented reliance on

Ronald Fraser, Ph.D., writes on public policy issues for the DKT
Liberty Project, a Washington-based civil liberties organization
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