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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ireland: Cannabis User Says Drug Is Great For Relaxing
Title:Ireland: Cannabis User Says Drug Is Great For Relaxing
Published On:1998-03-13
Source:Irish Times
Fetched On:2008-09-07 14:05:05

(In an interview with ALISON O'CONNOR)

It did nothing to me the first time I tried it. I was at a party and
someone was passing a joint around. I was about 18.

After that I would smoke it at parties. When I was 20 I managed to actually
give up smoking cigarettes for a few months but then I went to India. Dope
is legal in some states there and very easy to get.

Of course once I started smoking that I was back on the fags. It was the
thing to do there really. If you're around 20 and in India everyone is
smoking dope.

Now I smoke dope at home at night. I wouldn't do it during the day simply
because I'd be stoned at work. But it's great at night, particularly if
you're stressed. It is really good to help you think.

It's a very anti-social drug though. When I'm smoking I just want to be on
my own; you go into your own world. It is not like going out for a few
pints. I feel the effects fairly quickly. I start to relax. It doesn't
necessarily make you happy though.

People have different reactions. It helps me sleep at night, and to have
pleasant dreams. I also find it can be a good aphrodisiac! One of the
definite plusses is that it does not give you a hangover.

I have problems with my back and I smoke when it is really sore. I'd also
smoke at parties when there is a joint being passed around.

Dope is much cheaper than drink. A ten spot (£10) of dope would last me
about two weeks. I'd get around 10 joints out of it. For some people that
would only last a night.

I smoke it when I have it but if I don't, well that's fine. I wouldn't go
down Sheriff Street or anything to buy some. I get it off friends and
friends of friends. I know an awful lot of people who smoke it and they do
it because they enjoy it.

I am careful about whom I talk to about smoking dope. It is illegal. I
wouldn't talk at work about it or tell my mother, who would immediately
think I was on "hard" drugs or on my way to it.

I had cocaine once at a party. It didn't really do anything for me and I
have no desire to do it again. But I wouldn't risk taking anything else
like ecstasy or speed or heroin.

You just don't know what's in it. I'd be too scared because you don't know
where it comes from. I feel much safer with dope.

I've never felt worried about being busted and I don't know anyone who has
been. You're doing it in the privacy of your own home and the quantities
are so small they don't really warrant Garda resources.

I've had two bad experiences with dope - both abroad. The first time I was
in Kenya. It was not pleasant. Someone else rolled the joint and it was
really, really strong. I was out of my face and I got heart palpitations.

It was very scary, I actually though I was going to die. My friend brought
me to bed and stayed with me because I was so scared.

The second time was in Tunisia. Again, it was too strong and I could feel
the blood draining from my face.

I think compared to other people I know, I don't smoke too much of it and
only at night. You have to function during the day and I don't reckon you
would be able to do that if you were smoking it in the office.
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