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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, July 21, 2006 #458
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, July 21, 2006 #458
Published On:2006-07-21
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-13 23:49:53


* This Just In http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec1

(1) Police Raid Holy Smoke (2) Police Release A New Policy For Drug
Crimes (3) Rules Relaxed For Industrial Hemp Growing (4) Boston
Officers Accused Of 'Selling Badges' To Drug Dealers

* Weekly News in Review http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec2

Drug Policy

(5) 'Crack Tax' Struck Down (6) Court Halts New Law On Drug Terms (7)
Rumsfeld Links Drugs, Taliban (8) More Schools Test For Drugs (9)
Fabrizi Forfeits Raise After Cocaine Admission

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(10) Sharp Dip Noted In Meth Labs, But Not In Availability Of Drugs
(11) Border Bribery Cases Worry U.S. Officials (12) OPED: Setting
Kingpins Free (13) Drug Overdoses Are Outpacing Homicides (14) Drug
Lieutenant Breaks Long Silence

Cannabis & Hemp

(15) Prosecutors Take A Tough Line On Cannabis Supplied To Relieve
Pain (16) Pima Couple Uses Freedom Of Religion To Fight Drug Charges
(17) No Medical Cannabis At Fisherman's Wharf (18) Bill's Authors Are
Trying To Rope In Support For Hemp (19) Eco-Store Strives To Retail
Hemp, Dissolve Myths

International News

(20) Greens In A Heroin Trial Plan (21) Heroin Policy 'Loopy' (22)
Australia Backs Safe Injection Program (23) Harper Gets Invite To
Tour Safe-Injection Site (24) 'Prison System Needs To Expand'

* Hot Off The 'Net http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec3

Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids In America

Hallucinogens And Medicine

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

What Would Jesus Do? Religious Communities As Drug Reform Allies

Who Would Jesus Incarcerate?

* What You Can Do This Week

Be A MAP Newshawk

Job Opportunities At MPP

* Letter Of The Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec5

Marijuana Case: Asset Laws An Unjust Way Of Bringing About Justice /
By D.H. Michon

* Feature Article http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec6

The 'Just Say No' Approach Is No Good / By Robert Sharpe

* Quote of the Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n458.html#sec7

Harry Emerson Fosdick

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