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News (Media Awareness Project) - France GE: Manif in June for a Debate on Drugs * Special Note*
Title:France GE: Manif in June for a Debate on Drugs * Special Note*
Published On:1998-06-01
Fetched On:2008-09-07 09:17:50
*NOTE: This is the first of the posts to the MAP news service on the UN
General Assembly Special Session on Drugs June 8-10, 1998 and the Global
Days against the Drug War, June 5-10. Your MAP news editing/posting team,
with the help of all the newshawks and 99 organizations around the world,
will do our best to bring you all the news worldwide on these events. The
related articles will have the code GE: in the subject line for easy
identification. Future articles will not be posted to the Events list, but
will be available at:
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Please send any related articles to editor@mapinc.org

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DrugSense is now building special links on its home webpage for these
events at:

- -- Richard Lake, Sr. Editor, The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense


The Greens, the League of the Human Rights and, for the premiere time, the
Trade Union of the Magistrature call a demonstration, June 7 Paris, to
require the abrogation of the article L630 of the code of the public
health, which reprime the use of drugs and the incentive. Watchword:
Legalisez the debate on drugs.

The place: place Bastille. Other organizers: Act-Up Paris, Asud, the
Radical Party of Left, etc. Their goal, according to Jean-Luc Bennhamias,
spokesman of the Greens: to leave hypocrisy and the diabolisation on the

And to make reduction of the risks a priority of public health.

[the French original, which did not come thru well because of characters
not in the English character [ASCII]]

Subj: Manif en juin pour un debat sur la drogue

Source: Liberation
Contact: dupuy@liberation.fr
Website: http://www.liberation.fr

Manif en juin pour un debat sur la drogue

Les Verts, la Ligue des droits de l'homme et, pour la premiere fois,
le Syndicat de la magistrature appellent une manifestation, le 7
juin Paris, pour demander l'abrogation de l'article L630 du code
de la sante publique, qui reprime l'usage de drogue et
l'incitation. Mot d'ordre : Legalisez le debat sur les

Le lieu : place de la Bastille. Les autres organisateurs : Act-Up
Paris, Asud, le Parti radical de gauche, etc. Leur but, selon Jean-Luc
Bennhamias, porte-parole des Verts : sortir de l'hypocrisie et
la diabolisation sur la question.

Et faire de la reduction des risques une priorite de sante

- -- Rapha? CARREZ

Checked-by: Richard Lake
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