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News (Media Awareness Project) - Your Help is needed - support the Global Days Events and Organizations!
Title:Your Help is needed - support the Global Days Events and Organizations!
Published On:1998-06-04
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-09-07 09:07:55

Friends, on the eve of The 1998 Global Days against the Drug War, June
5-10, immediately preceding the United Nations General Assembly Special
Session on Drugs (UNGASS) our news editing/posting team and I hope you will
be able to take part in one of the over 50 events around the world.

You can help, even if you can not attend, in two ways:

(1) You can email Letters to the Editor to newspapers, both local and
worldwide. Published letters expand the publicity about and discussion of
the issues. Even a in small newspaper may have the value of an ad worth
hundreds of dollars. For the really large newspapers, thousands. But even
the unpublished letters let the editors know your opinion. They all have

Links from the homepage of MAP at http://www.mapinc.org/ lead to tips on
writing letters that get published, page after page of published letters
from which you can find ideas, and the 30 or so news items per day -
complete with contact information - that are the targets for letter
writers. Plus a special link to the Global Days and UNGASS articles is at
the bottom of the page at: http://www.drugsense.org/ungass.htm

(2) Not comfortable with writing LTEs? How about just surfing the net to
find the news articles? Folks just like you, many who remain anonymous,
hunt down and provide the articles. We want every article, even if it has
appeared in other newspapers. Each newspaper is a target for LTE writers.
Each article added to our database of over 10,000 is more material for
researchers. And each article about the Global Days shows the efforts of
the over 100 organizations and many thousands involved.

Details on how to newshawk (nothing to join - you just do it!) are at:

Where can you find the newspaper items? There are just too many search
tools on the web that will lead to newspaper home pages to even list, but
on of my favorites, because you just click on the name of one of the over
2000 newspapers worldwide to go to the site, is:

On behalf of the news editing/posting team at MAP, Joel, Olafur, Melodi,
Rich, Mike, Yvonne, and Larry; a huge Thank You for all that You Do!

Richard Lake
Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
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