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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Noble Words, Empty Deeds
Title:US: Noble Words, Empty Deeds
Published On:1998-06-17
Source:Salon Magazine
Fetched On:2008-09-07 08:02:55


With 150 world leaders committed to fighting the scourge of drugs, even a
cynic might hope for some substantial result.

The recently concluded United Nations conference on drug control, attended
by President Clinton and other leaders, was filled with resounding pledges
of cooperation and determination. "With determined and relentless effort,
we can turn the tide," Clinton told the gathering.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan assured delegates that historians will
see this as a turning point in the history of drug control. The "new
vision," said Annan, is driven by 52 million users of illegal drugs worldwide.

Darlene James is one of those 52 million. She lives in a cave alongside a
freeway in San Francisco. A few weeks back, while U.N. leaders were
planning their meeting, James was deciding she would not let her boyfriend
inject "speed" into a vein in her neck.

"Methamphetamine's making me crazy," she says. "I need to stop." But that
same week James was rejected for treatment for the fourth time -- this time
because she did not have the appropriate paperwork.

James first walked into a drug rehab center more than six months ago and
asked for help. But, although San Francisco has a policy of "treatment on
demand" -- within 48 hours of an addict's decision to quit -- she has yet
to be accepted into a program.

Her story is not unusual. Most addicts seeking rehab wait weeks or months.
Michael Pagsolingan overdosed on heroin after waiting eight weeks to get
into a program. Cost of emergency treatment for an overdose -- $1,450. Cost
of one day in treatment -- $55.

At the United Nations, President Clinton proclaimed that the United States
would spend $17 billion to combat the drug scourge. Yet only 35 percent of
those funds will be directed at "demand reduction" -- i.e. treatment of
addicts. The rest will go to attempting to control the flow of drugs.

These priorities seem wrongheaded, given the findings of a study sponsored
by the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy. The study shows that $1
spent on treatment decreases drug use as much as $7 spent on domestic law
enforcement, $11 on confiscating drugs at the border and $23 to stop drugs
at their country of origin.

Funding in San Francisco's Treatment on Demand program is at 40 percent of
needs. In Baltimore, there are 5,700 treatment slots for 60,000 addicts. In
New York City, 60 percent of paroled drug abusers who don't get into
treatment are back in jail within months, but new treatment programs are
still awaiting funding.

In the United States as a whole, an estimated 4 to 6 million addicts who
need treatment are not receiving any.

"We are determined to build a drug-free America," President Clinton told
the U.N. special assembly. He spoke of a "virtual university" where anyone
with access to a computer and modem could share knowledge and experience
about substance abuse.

Darlene James, in her cave by the freeway, with no modem or computer,
remains trapped in a chemical and bureaucratic nightmare. After being
turned down four times, she beds down in her wet sleeping bag and says she
is trying to keep from asking her boyfriend to inject her.

"These programs keep running me in littler and littler circles," she says.

James did not think President Clinton's fighting words or the U.N.
conference marked the beginning of a new war against drugs.

Lonny Shavelson is a physician in Berkeley, Calif., and author of "A Chosen

Checked-by: Mike Gogulski
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