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News (Media Awareness Project) - A note from your DrugSense News editor/posting team
Title:A note from your DrugSense News editor/posting team
Published On:1998-07-01
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-09-07 07:05:18
Dear Readers: The last month set a record, with 1045 items being posted,
up from the previous high 844 in April. I will be providing an analysis of
the past quarter soon.

We are slightly behind, perhaps even a week, in posting a few articles
received. Newshawks, you should know that if you send six articles, they
could go to six different editors. Thus if one or two does not appear right
away, it could be because a specific editor has a little backlog.

In this case both Rich O'Grady and I have a backlog, both because we
experienced computer problems. Rich lost his hard drive on Saturday, and
may not be back up for a few more days. I lost my computer due to, I think,
a lightening strike on the phone line. This brought me down from last
Friday thru Monday.

I am up and running on a newer, faster computer. However, since I work
during the week, I am looking forward to the three day weekend to catch up.

The news backlogs are being worked, first. Then there is email directly
from a few of you, some over a week old. Hopefully you will hear from me
this weekend. I really do want to be responsive, but sometimes problems
just put me behind the power curve.

If any of you are not receiving our DrugSense Weekly, you may wish to check
it out on line. We can, and have, made it easier to read on line, than we
can with email. It is usually posted by Wednesday evenings at:


Richard Lake
Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
email: rlake@MAPinc.org
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Checked-by: Richard Lake
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