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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: McVeigh Letters To Family Are Portrait Of Anger And Alienation Title
Title:US: McVeigh Letters To Family Are Portrait Of Anger And Alienation Title
Published On:1998-07-02
Source:(1) New York Times (2) San Jose Mercury News
Fetched On:2008-09-07 07:00:36

Previously undisclosed letters by Timothy McVeigh to his younger sister
before the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City portray him as
deeply frustrated and at one point suicidal over his inability to confide
the extent of his anti-government activities to his family.

McVeigh's letters, along with conversations at home, revealed so much anger
and alienation that when the bomb exploded on April 19, 1995, eventually
killing 168 people and wounding 850, his family suspected him almost
immediately, they later told the FBI.

His sister, Jennifer McVeigh, told investigators she had an "eerie feeling"
he was involved. His father, William McVeigh, said he had worried that his
son would do something to get himself in serious trouble and added that his
ex-wife, McVeigh's mother, thought her son "did the bombing."

In a letter to Jennifer, written on Oct. 20, 1993, McVeigh said he was
tormented by not being able to "tell it all" about his "lawless behavior
and attitude." He did not elaborate.

At one point, he wrote, he had gone to the house of their grandfather, who
has since died, and considered killing himself there.

"I have an urgent need for someone in the family to understand me," McVeigh
told his sister. "I will tell you, and only you."

The letters and summaries of interviews by investigators were obtained by
The New York Times. They provide new insights into McVeigh, who committed
the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil. The material was never
presented at his trial.

Interviews conducted by the FBI after the bombing show that members of the
McVeigh family differed in their beliefs about what sparked that hatred.
But they agreed it began before the raid that ended with the deaths of the
Branch Davidians at their complex near Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993 -- an
event that clearly exacerbated his feelings.

It was McVeigh's desire to avenge those deaths and start a popular uprising
against the government that led to the bombing conspiracy, according to
testimony at the trial last year in which McVeigh was convicted and
sentenced to death.

McVeigh's real troubles may have begun over money, his father said. In
February 1993, the Department of Defense informed Timothy McVeigh that he
had been overpaid $1,058 while in the Army and asked for repayment. The
episode enraged the him.

But Jennifer McVeigh, who was her brother's confidante, thought the
breaking point came earlier, in 1991, at Fort Bragg, N.C., where he was an
unsuccessful candidate for the Special Forces. Army records show that
McVeigh dropped out of the program after saying he could not meet the
physical demands.

In his Oct. 20 letter, McVeigh wrote that he and nine other soldiers had
been taken to a private intelligence briefing at Fort Bragg, where they
were told they could be required to participate in government-sanctioned
assassinations and government-sponsored drug trafficking. The government
has always denied it carries out such assassinations and drug trafficking.

"Why would Tim (characteristically nondrinker), super-successful in the
Army (private to sergeant in 2 years) (Top Gun) (Bronze Star) (accepted
into Special Forces), all of a sudden come home, party HARD, and, just like
that, announce he was not only 'disillusioned' by SF, but was, in fact,
leaving the service?" McVeigh asked his sister.

The answer, he wrote, lay in what he learned at Fort Bragg, where he and
the nine others were told they might be ordered to help the CIA "fly drugs
into the U.S. to fund many covert operations" and to "work hand-in-hand
with civilian police agencies" as "government-paid assassins."

He wrote, "Do not spread this info, Jennifer, as you could (very honestly,
seriously) endanger my life."

In a letter written on Christmas Eve of 1993, McVeigh hinted that he might
be breaking the law, telling his sister she might need to "re-evaluate your
definition(s) of good and bad."

"In the past," McVeigh wrote, "you would see the news and see a bank
robbery, and judge him a 'criminal.' But, without getting too lengthy, the
Federal Reserve and the banks are the real criminals, so where is the crime
in getting even? I guess if I reflect, it's sort of a Robin Hood thing, and
our government is the evil king."

Miss McVeigh later told the FBI that her brother once told her he planned a
bank robbery with others who carried it out and showed her the large stack
of $100 bills he said was his share. She said he had given her three of the
bills and asked her to give him $300 in smaller denominations.

Four months before the bombing, in a letter mailed from Caro, Mich.,
McVeigh, who was moving from place to place around the country, while
keeping a mail drop in Kingman, Ariz., wrote his sister: "Of course you
must realize, then, that I'm not living in Arizona. You know how hard it is
to get into that deep of a lie with Dad? It's painful, especially how you
have to look so confident when telling stories (lies)."

"Why am I running?" he wrote. "I am trying to keep my path 'cool,' so in
case someone is looking to 'shut up someone who knows too much' I will not
be easy to find. I have also been working, and establishing a 'network' of
friends so that if someone does start looking for me, I will know ahead of
time and be warned."

"If that 'tip' ever comes, (I have 'ears' all over the country) that's when
I disappear, or go completely underground," he wrote. "Believe me, if that
necessity ever comes to pass, it will be very difficult for anyone to find

Despite all his claims of making such elaborate arrangements, McVeigh was
arrested shortly after the bombing by an Oklahoma highway patrolman who saw
that his car had no license plate.

McVeigh's father said he was not surprised when the FBI told him of his
son's arrest two days after the bombing. He said he and his son were at
"opposite ends politically," and that his son was obsessed with the deaths
of the Branch Davidians.

William McVeigh portrayed his son as a bright person who, as a boy, could
never quite succeed either in school or at sports. As an adult, his father
said, Timothy McVeigh bounced from job to job because he could not stand
pressure, could not take orders and could not handle the responsibilities
of day-to-day work. His father said his troubles really began when the
government asked him to pay back the extra salary he had been paid by mistake.

Documents gathered during the bombing investigation show that a form letter
from the Department of Defense Finance and Accounting Service was sent to
McVeigh at his home in Lockport, N.Y., on Feb. 15, 1993, two years after he
had left the Army after serving in the Persian Gulf War. The letter asked
for the full $1,058 or a $50 installment within 30 days.

McVeigh, whose frugality was legendary among his friends, replied at the
time: "I have received your notice informing me of my debt owed to you, as
well as your threat of referring me to the Justice Department (Big Brother)."

He also said, "In all honesty, I cannot even dream of repaying you the
$1,000 which you say I owe. In fact, I can barely afford my monthly rent.

"Assets? The only thing which I own of any value is my car, a 1987
Chevrolet/Geo Spectrum," he continued. "If you really want the car, go
ahead and seize it," he wrote, adding, "My car is my only way to get to
work; to support myself."

"But I guess that's all irrelevant to you," he continued. "Go ahead, take
everything I own; take my dignity. Feel good as you grow fat and rich at my
expense; sucking my tax dollars and property, tax dollars which justify
your existence and pay your federal salary. Do you get it yet? By doing
your evil job, you put me out of work."

Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company
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