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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Meth Use on Rise in West as Cocaine Rates Fall
Title:US CA: Meth Use on Rise in West as Cocaine Rates Fall
Published On:1998-07-12
Source:Los Angeles Times
Fetched On:2008-09-07 06:13:35

Health: As President Clinton releases funds to fight war on drugs, Justice
Department report concedes no single strategy can work. Problems vary
greatly by region and age.

WASHINGTON--The use of methamphetamines is rising dramatically in the
Western United States, the Justice Department reported Saturday in an
extensive new study that also shows America's crack cocaine epidemic
appears to have peaked.

In response to the report, President Clinton, in what amounts to a new
phase in the ongoing war on drugs, released $32 million in federal grants
Saturday to help local officials devise strategies tailored for their

"To stop the revolving door of crime and narcotics, we must make offenders
stop abusing drugs," Clinton said in his weekly radio address from the Oval

The new funds address the drug report's most sobering conclusion: that no
single national strategy will work because the drugs of choice vary
tremendously by region and age--with older users preferring cocaine and
younger ones favoring marijuana.

"There is no single national drug problem," said Jeremy Travis, director of
the National Institute of Justice, the Justice Department's research
division. "We have lots of different local drug problems."

In the West, and particularly in San Diego, the report found that the use
of methamphetamines continues to retain "a very solid hold," with nearly
40% of adults arrested in California's second-largest city testing positive.

Methamphetamine use soared in the early 1990s, with rates among adults who
were arrested reaching as high as 44% in San Diego, 25% in Phoenix and 20%
in San Jose, the study said. By the mid-1990s, however, methamphetamine use
fell significantly, with San Diego's rate dropping to 30%, Phoenix to 12%
and San Jose to 15%. Law enforcement officials attributed the drop to
crackdowns that focused largely on supply rather than demand.

But use of methamphetamines, which also go by the street names speed,
crystal meth and ice, began climbing again, and the new study's urinalysis
data indicated that such drug use "has returned close to" the record levels
of the early 1990s.

The first of a planned annual "Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees" was
based on urinalysis testing and interviews of more than 30,000 men, women,
boys and girls arrested last year in 23 metropolitan areas.

The report comes at a time of increasing focus on the drug war as
politicians jockey for partisan advantage before the November elections.

On Thursday, House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) joined Clinton in Atlanta
to announce an unprecedented $2-billion nationwide media campaign to
discourage children from using drugs.

The study reinforced the "strong nexus" between crime and drug use, with
50% to 75% of arrested people testing positive for drugs.

The decline of cocaine use was especially striking because many cities in
the Northeast and the West had reached epidemic levels in the late 1980s,
with 80% or more of those arrested believed to have been users.

But in Los Angeles, for example, 37% of men and 48% of women who were
arrested last year tested positive for cocaine.

The study further found that cocaine use nationally was "two to 10 times"
more likely among males 36 or older than males ages 15 to 20, a trend that
could bring lower crime rates because "older cocaine users are aging out or
dying out . . . ," said Jack Riley, director of the institute's Arrestee
Drug Abuse Monitoring Program.

In Detroit and Washington, only 5% of the younger age group used cocaine,
while nearly 50% of the older group tested positive.

Researchers call this discrepancy "the big brother syndrome," in which
younger children shun a drug after seeing its devastating effects on older

A similar generational difference, although to a lesser degree, also was
found for opiates, including heroin, with older suspects "several times
more likely" than younger ones to test positive, the report said.

But the reverse seems to apply to marijuana, which was disproportionately
concentrated among youths, the study found. In Los Angeles, juveniles had a
9% higher marijuana use rate than older suspects; in San Diego it was 5%.

Methamphetamine use prompted special concern among officials.

Noting that San Diego has been "extraordinarily hard hit," Riley said at a
White House briefing that methamphetamine now surpasses cocaine and
marijuana use among people arrested in the border city.

Other Western cities with high methamphetamine use among arrestees are San
Jose (18%), Phoenix (16%) and Omaha (10%). By comparison, usage in Los
Angeles was 8.9% for men and 4.7% for women.

The study also found that methamphetamine use is spreading to rural

"It's easy to manufacture," Travis explained, adding that there is "good
law enforcement evidence that much of the production of methamphetamine is
connected to activities south of the border . . ."

Three California cities were among the 23 metropolitan areas included in
the study: Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose. The institute plans to add
other cities, including Sacramento and Las Vegas, for future study.

Of the new funding released by Clinton, $27 million will go to more than
150 jurisdictions, including Los Angeles and Orange counties, to create
"drug courts," which combine supervision with drug treatment and monitoring
as an alternative to incarceration.

The president released an additional $5 million to six cities also hard hit
by methamphetamine use: Dallas; Little Rock, Ark.; Minneapolis; Oklahoma
City; Phoenix; and Salt Lake City. Clinton also made a special plea to the
GOP-controlled Congress to fund his request for $85 million for various
testing and treatment initiatives.

On Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) went on the attack
against Clinton and congressional Democrats.

With the GOP facing accusations of harboring a "do-little" agenda this
year, Lott tried to turn the tables, accusing Clinton of being a
"bystander" while chastising Democrats for "crying crocodile tears about a
do-nothing Congress" when in fact, Lott said, they are obstructing progress
on a range of issues.

"If you keep a sharp eye on the legislative action--or inaction--behind the
headlines, you'll be able to figure out who's trying to score one for the
American people and who's just trying to run out the clock," Lott said in
the weekly GOP response to Clinton's radio address.
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