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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Are We the Enemy?
Title:US: Are We the Enemy?
Published On:1998-10-08
Source:Medical Sentinel
Fetched On:2008-09-07 02:09:05

..Its leaders were supposed to save the country but now they won't pay her
no mind. ...Because the people got fat and grew lazy, now their vote is
like a meaningless joke. You know they talk about law, about order, but
it's all just an echo of what they've been told. 'Cause there is a monster
on the loose. It's got our heads into the noose, and it just sits there

Our cities have turned into jungles. Destruction is plaguing the land. The
police force is watching the people, and the people just can't understand.
They don't know how to mind their own business. The whole world has got to
be just like us... Now we are fighting a war over there, no matter who
wins, you know we can't pay the cost. 'Cause there is a monster on the
loose. It's got our heads into the noose, and it just sits there watching...

America, where are you now? Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now. We can't fight alone against the monster.
Steppenwolf's Monster, c.1971

When the government fears the people there is liberty. When the people fear
the government there is tyranny. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Federal Law Enforcement

In West Virginia, we learn that the house of a physician is entered by
federal agents who do not identify themselves or explain their actions. The
physician's wife and children are threatened and held at gunpoint for
several hours while their home is ransacked. Several months later, a
federal judge throws out the alleged charges against the physician and
dismisses the government's case. He denounces the government raid as a
deliberate and unjustifiable government terrorist act against a law-abiding
citizen and his family.1 We hear that Attorney General Janet Reno - who,
after the tragic Waco incident assumed "responsibility" without being held
accountable and blurted, "the buck stops here" - has deputized all
inspector generals, so they may carry firearms to enforce administrative
decrees (most of which are unconstitutional) against ordinary citizens. By
this act, she would effectively circumvent congressional debate and, if
needed, federal legislation - and trample civil liberties at will. She
will, again, be authorizing the use of deadly force against, purportedly,
non-compliant, recalcitrant, American citizens, who may not want their
constitutional rights usurped, or their property taken, without their
consent and due process of the law. After all, she commended the federal
agencies, and agents, who in 1993 at Waco perpetrated the deadliest
massacre by the government against American citizens on their own soil.2
Tragedy compounded tragedy. As a result of the Waco, irrational zealots
perpetrated the bloodiest terrorist attack in American history. Recent
evidence provided by our own government's informants confirmed suspicions
the FBI and ATF had prior knowledge of the Oklahoma City (OKC) impending
disaster. At best, the federal law enforcement agencies committed a
terrible blunder with a covert operation run amok, or at worst, it was an
accomplice to a terrible tragedy. And to cover up the details of this
incident, it is still protecting other suspects who knew or helped plan the
infamous OKC bombing.3-4 As a result of the April 19, 1995 OKC bombing, the
Congress passed an anti-terrorism bill with provisions that infringe on the
individual rights and privacy of American citizens, and the flagging
presidency of Bill Clinton was re-energized. British journalist Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard writes: "Relaxing on Air Force One after the 1996
elections, Bill Clinton told a pool of reporters that he owed his political
revival to the Oklahoma bombing. He was in a reflective mood, looking back
at the ups and downs of his turbulent presidency. As so often, his thoughts
lingered on those first painful months after the Republicans captured both
Houses of Congress for the first time in almost two generations. It had
been a stinging rebuke for the White House. But then that bomb went off.
'It broke a spell in the country as people began searching for our common
ground again,' he said."5 Consider the fact that a few weeks before the OKC
bombing, liberal Representative John Dingell (D-MI) declared in a House
oration that the attack on the Branch Davidians was "indefensible" and ATF
agents "are not to be trusted. They are detested. And I have described them
properly as jackbooted American fascists." From which phraseology, the NRA
proclaimed that the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 "gives jackbooted
government thugs more power to take away our constitutional rights, destroy
our property, and even injure or kill us." We recall that in 1992 at Ruby
Ridge, Idaho, a woman, Vicki Weaver, is shot in the head and killed as she
holds her baby in her home by a government (FBI) sniper in the most
atrocious act in recent memory perpetrated by a government law enforcement
agent against an American citizen, who wished only to be left alone with
her family. Then, the federal government via the Attorney General and the
Department of Justice itself, rather than prosecuting the government
agent(s) responsible, militate against the state and local authorities'
effort to administer justice and prosecute those directly culpable.
Instead, the government promotes those who changed the rules of engagement
and issued illegal "shoot to kill" orders against American citizens. Rather
than being held accountable and its funding curtailed, according to the
Government Accounting Office (GAO), the FBI counter-terrorism budget has
been nearly tripled since 1994, up $243 million. No wonder Americans
continue to distrust their own government. Even though Americans today with
a "conservative" Republican Congress are not as disenchanted as they were
in 1994 (when only 21 percent trusted the government and when the liberal
Democrats essentially controlled all three branches of government),
citizens continue to distrust the ever-growing government behemoth. And
thus, it's no wonder a February 1998 poll by Pew Research Center for the
People and the Press found that trust in government had dropped again from
39 percent last fall to 34 percent, a 5 percent decline. The expansion of
the police power of the state continues unabated. In May 1998, President
Clinton named State Department official, Richard Clarke, as the new
"terrorism czar" who will reign over 17 federal law enforcement agencies
and will preside over a record $7 billion federal spending in domestic
anti-terrorism surveillance and enforcement. We also hear in the mass
media; indeed, we see, for example, footage on CBS (Dec. 8, 1997) and learn
that, amidst the domestic violence (in this specific case in Phoenix,
Arizona, Maricopa County), there has been a 33 percent increase in the use
of deadly force by SWAT (Strategic Weapons and Tactics) teams and a 30
percent increase in personnel in the last three years, and that these law
enforcement agencies are conducting raids not just on dangerous criminals
but even on non-violent parole violators, and you wonder, what's next?
Who's next?

Hate Crimes

Moreover, on November 8, 1997, the president announced that the Department
of Justice will add, "upwards of 50 FBI agents and federal prosecutors to
enforce hate crime laws." Never mind that "upwards" of 90 percent of "hate
crime" violations reportedly involve simple "name-calling" and "verbal
abuse" transgressions and no physical violence. Journalist and historian,
Dr. Samuel Francis is indeed correct when he writes that Clinton's
"Anti-Hate" campaign is totalitarian in concept because "it seeks to punish
motive that is, the thoughts, attitudes and emotions that lead a person to
commit an action - rather than the action itself."6 Today in America, this
criminalization of thought - like in the prescient 1984 Orwellian "thought
crimes," and in the totalitarian regimes of Stalin in the Soviet Union,
Fidel Castro in the island-prison of Cuba, and Mao Tse-Tung's Cultural
Revolution in China - is seeking to enlist children to enforce conformity
in parents and foment distrust and discord in American families, not only
on state-inspired, "anti-hatred" campaigns but even in their seemingly
benign enlistment of children as informants in the tobacco war. Yet, recent
FBI statistics reveal that in 1996 "hate crimes" were quite rare with less
than one such "hate" crime reported (8,859) for every law-enforcement
agency required to report them in the U.S. (9, 600 agencies).7 Like in the
1984 Big Brother Orwellian world, families may live in fear of the Thought
Police and their night raids: "The sudden jerk out of sleep, the rough hand
shaking your shoulder, the lights glaring in your eyes, the ring of hard
faces round the bed. In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no
report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night."8
And you wonder, who is the enemy? Who fears whom?

The Threat of Rogue Nations

And then you learn that those agencies, such as the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) or the military - which are suppose to deal with the clear,
real, and present dangers of foreign threats, like those posed by rogue and
still communist states including Red China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba
- - have to repeatedly justify their budgets and even their existence to the
flower children elites in power today. I will come back to the CIA and the
military later, but for now, let me remind the readers who America's
enemies are, and why this is so. First, there is Red China which has
identified America by name as its "main enemy" for the 21st Century9 and
has already made covert attempts to influence our foreign policy, vitiating
and trampling on our campaign finance laws in the process.10 In fact, Dr.
Michael Pillsbury, one of the nation's foremost China experts at the
Pentagon's National Defense University, formally testified to the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence (September 1997) that after reviewing
Chinese military documents, Red China "intends to defeat the United States"
and will pose a formidable military threat in the 21st Century. Then there
is North Korea which persists in threatening South Korea with invasion, and
remains a mortal threat to the stability of Asia; if it is not, why do we
still have a large contingent of troops stationed in South Korea? Yet,
despite its belligerence and refusal to submit to nuclear inspection (to
which it had agreed), we reward this communist nation by providing her with
nuclear reactors! Yes, there is also Vietnam which has not given us a full
accounting of our known POWs that its communist government is known to have
held, may even continue to hold, or has sent to other communist nations
like Russia or Czechoslovakia for brainwashing sessions and gruesome
medical experimentation.11 And, of course, there is Cuba which has been
involved in drug trafficking via Defense minister Raul Castro (Fidel's
brother) which it considers an instrument of war against the U.S. If you
don't buy this one, you should read Red Cocaine by Dr. Joseph Douglass
which provides convincing evidence.12 If you still don't believe Cuba
remains a threat to American interests, tell me, what has become of the
Cienfuegos nuclear power plant and submarine naval base or the Lourdes
high-tech, U.S. eavesdropping, intelligence-gathering installation near
Havana, on the northern coast of Cuba, and incidentally, just across the
Florida peninsula? (We did not inspect Cuba after the Cuban Missile Crisis
of 1962 to verify the removal of the missiles in San Cristobal then, nor
have we verified the closing of these spy bases after the collapse of the
Soviet Union today.) Suffice to say, that while the CIA (its efforts
directed at foreign enemies) has been under attack by numerous,
unsubstantiated (and, I may add, many totally ludicrous) allegations, and
the agency has had to justify its raison d'etre in the New World Order
(NWO), those entities (like the ATF and the FBI being trained by the
military, and yes, even the intrusive IRS), that target their activities
against American citizens continue to be beefed up, are considered
essential to the vital functions of the nation, and their budgets continue
to be increased year after year. It makes you wonder: Again, who is the
enemy? And who fears whom?

Entangling Alliances and the NWO

Meanwhile, the U.S. military has been greatly reduced since the collapse of
the Soviet Union: The Army (i.e., number of divisions from 18 to 8 or 9),
the Navy (i.e., number of ships from 546 to just over 300), and the Air
Force (i.e., number of fighter wings from 36 to 17 or 18) have each been
axed by about one half - the lowest defense spending since Pearl Harbor.13
Moreover, the goals of their operations are no longer national defense and
security, but unconstitutional UN global police actions such as
peacekeeping functions and relief efforts, and domestic social engineering
(e.g., gays in the military and women in the front lines), etc. Not
surprisingly, these police actions around the world enforcing UN policies
have brought the opprobrium of many nations with which, otherwise, we may
not have had any quarrels. Yet, while we continue to web dangerous
entangling alliances, implement police actions and other peacekeeping
operations, and enforce UN resolutions, working within the purview of the
UN throughout the world, we become more vulnerable to terrorist attacks,
and in the future, possibly nuclear retaliatory strikes from nations which
reject the Pax Universalis and the cryptic NWO that we and the UN are
trying to impose on them. Frankly, from all we know and continue to learn,
the UN and the treacherous NWO are working against our own national
interest and undermining our citizens' individual freedoms. And this brings
me to perhaps the most serious dereliction of the government on its
legitimate constitutional function of national defense: the lack of
deployment of a missile defense, a nuclear shield against missile attack to
protect American citizens. Yes, our government (including our Senate which
recently voted on it) has refrained unilaterally from protecting our nation
and our citizens against possible, sudden nuclear attacks, and we have yet
to build an antiballistic missile, space-based defense via the already
available for deployment and extremely cost-effective "Brilliant Pebbles"
technology. Again, or rather, in other words, who does our own government
consider to be the enemy? Apparently, not those unpredictable, rogue,
Socialist, totalitarian states that intermittently wreak so much death and
destruction on their own people, if not their neighbors. And, yes, as many
of them build atomic weapons and join the atomic club, they could use their
nuclear weapons to hold us at ransom, or in the case of emergent nuclear
powers, rival nations, such as India and Pakistan, could start a regional
conflict and ignite a nuclear tinderbox for which we have no protectional

Red China and National Security

"There is not a single, solitary nuclear missile pointed at an American
child tonight, not a single one," spoke President Clinton in October 1996,
as the nefarious transfer of satellite launching and missile guidance
technology was taking place, allowing Red China to better aim, as the CIA
has recently divulged, 13 of their 18 CSS-4 strategic nuclear missiles
targeted against U.S. cities. Reportedly, in the U.S., only Miami is out of
their nuclear reach. Perhaps, this is a good point for us now to further
consider the case of Red China and U.S. national security. We now know that
China obtained satellite launching, missile-guided and super-computer
technology that is now being used by its communist government to better aim
their long-range strategic nuclear missiles at U.S. cities - with the
assistance of U.S. corporate entities and the blessings of our president.14
His campaign and that of his party (DNC) are now known to have received
$300,000 from the Red Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) via Johnny
Chung of White House coffee notoriety, and $2.5 million from Bernard
Schwartz, the CEO of Loral Space & Communications and Michael Armstrong,
the former CEO of Hughes Electronics (now Chairman of AT&T) - the two U.S.
companies involved in the sophisticated guidance technology transfer to
Beijing.15-16 The Lippo group, a Jakarta-based (Indonesia) Chinese front
organization, was also involved in these transactions via the notorious
agent John Huang. Reacting to this worrisome development, Representative
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Chairman of the House Subcommittee of Space and
Aeronautics, exclaimed: "I am very sad to say [the Red Chinese] now have
the capability of landing nuclear weapons in the United States and we are
the ones who perfected their rockets." Bolstering this serious charge, the
administration's own Defense department and the Pentagon recently
acknowledged that "the U.S. national security has been harmed" by this
strategic transfer of technology. Moreover, with the blessings (and
personal lobbying) of our president, the China Ocean Shipping Company
(COSCO) has been given a sweetheart deal, a 20-year lease of our
decommissioned but still strategic Long Beach Naval Yards. COSCO is now
known to be a front of the PLA which ships Chinese guns (including an
attempted, illegal shipment of AK-47s to California street gangs in 1996)
and drugs overseas.17 Meanwhile, to complete the encirclement of the U.S.
shipping routes (and possible strangulation in case of war), another
Chinese front organization, the Hong Kong-based Hutchinson Port Holdings,
has obtained a 50-year lease to operate the two strategic ports at either
end of the U.S.-built and formerly run Panama Canal. One wonders: Are these
rogue nations like Red China (whose leaders perpetrated the Tiananmen
Square massacre of June 1989), perhaps needed by those in power in our own
government as the bogeymen required to foment tensions and create global
crises - those crises that are historically known to be instigated by
ever-enlarging governments as excuses for cracking down on the liberties of
their own individual citizens, and suppressing freedom in general, in their
quest for power? So, while domestic federal law enforcement and
anti-terrorism programs have increased to frightening proportions and have
become some of the most rapidly growing areas in the federal budget, true
national defense (civil defense has already been totally dismantled) has
suffered the only cutbacks and most drastic reductions in the federal
budget. In fact, it's no exaggeration to state that the bipartisan budget
agreement that resulted in a balanced budget with projected surpluses this
year was balanced upon the shoulders of national defense and the raids of
the mythical Social Security Trust Fund. And finally, let us not forget our
own local police which, inundated with crime in the inner cities, have been
ignored in favor of federal law enforcement agencies, as in preparation for
the formation of an unconstitutional standing national police force.
Perhaps, times have indeed changed and we have reached the end of history
with global democratic socialism finally reigning supreme - and the world
upside down. Our security priorities have been inverted; individual rights
have been eroded, while welfare and collective ones have become entrenched.
Unanimity (i.e., "consensus building") and conformity (i.e., political and
social correctness) gradually have been enforced. These qualities
historically have led to repression and tyranny, and tyranny to cries of
freedom by the people. It's then that government begins to crack down on
dissent in the name of battling national crises. When it does, and it calls
for ever-increasing emergency measures to combat the problems of its own
creation, along with Jefferson's, we must also remember James Madison's
admonition that crisis is the rallying cry of tyrants! It will be, then,
that the American people should look within and honestly ask themselves:
Who fears whom?...and then face the grim reality that we, Americans, are
indeed being considered the enemy by our own government.


1. Faria MA Jr. The police state of medicine - the nature of the beast.
Medical Sentinel 1998;3(4):119-122, 138.

2. Meyer D. No More Wacos and Waco - The Rules of Engagement. Medical
Sentinel 1998;3(4):151-152.

3. Mr. William Jasper, Senior Editor of The New American, has done
extensive investigative reporting on this subject published in that magazine.

4. Evans-Pritchard A. The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported
Stories. Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1997, pp. 1-108.

5. Ibid., p. 3.

6. Francis S. Clinton's 'anti-hate' campaign totalitarian in concept. The
Samuel Francis Newsletter, P.O. Box 19628, Alexandria, VA 22320, November
18, 1997, pp. 5-6.

7. Buls G. Hate crime: It's a frame of mind. The New American, April 27,
1998, p. 19.

8. Ibid.

9. Study of "Strategic Missile Combat Position Troop Survival Under Nuclear
Conditions and Development of an Equipment Safeguard System" conducted by
the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and translated into English in November
1997. Cited in The New American, June 8, 1998.

10. Chapman M. Clinton waives export restrictions on technology. Human
Events, April 17, 1998, p. 5.

11. Blaylock RL. Communist Use of American POWs as Human Guinea Pigs (Part
II): Vietnam, the Soviets, and other Special Projects. Medical Sentinel

12. Douglass JD Jr. Red Cocaine. Clarion House, Atlanta, GA, 1990.

13. Hillen J. Military might - the U.S. is becoming too weak to fulfill its
strategic mandate. National Review, June 30, 1997, p.38.

14. Gertz B. China deal seen as security threat. The Washington Times, May
4-10, 1998, pp.1, 23; and China, terrorists seen as top threats: Poll. The
Washington Times, May 18-24, 1998, p.3.

15. Burton D. Mr. President, tear down this stone wall! Human Events, May
8, 1998, pp.1, 7; and North, O. Perilous Clinton space ties to China. The
Washington Times, May 4-10, 1998, p.44.

16. Cancel the Kowtow Summit. Human Events, May 29, 1998, pp.1,3,4,8.

17. Grigg WN. The price of admission. The New American, November 10, 1997,

Copyright 1998, Medical Sentinel

Dr. Faria is a consultant neurosurgeon and author of Vandals at the Gates
of Medicine (1995) and the newly released Medical Warrior: Fighting
Corporate Socialized Medicine (Macon, Georgia, Hacienda Publishing, Inc.,
1997). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Sentinel. Hacienda
Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 13648, Macon, GA 31208,

http://www.haciendapub.com. For further information or for permission to
reproduce in part or in toto, contact Helen at (912) 757-9873.

Checked-by: Mike Gogulski
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