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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: The Drug War's No Failure
Title:US CA: Column: The Drug War's No Failure
Published On:1998-09-30
Source:The Anderson Valley Advertiser (Weekly; Boonville, CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 23:17:21

In a recent issue [of the AVA] there was some quote that, once again,
suggested that the "War on Drugs" is a failure.

This myth is perpetuated in just about every good, decent and half-decent
publication. It has become a tenet of faith for the left. It is incorrect.

It is an indication of an inability of the left to scope things out from
the viewpoint of the opposition.

The War on Drugs is a FLAMING SUCCESS.

It has massively enriched the Prison Growth Industry;

it gives cops the pretense to stop minorities, bohemian types, or anyone
who doesn't look like a servant of the Corporatocracy;

it offers a scam excuse to send the US military to all sorts of "trouble
spots" in the Western Hemisphere;

it gave Bush the pretense to keep US military presence in Panama; it
enriches the suppliers of the military equipment for the Drug Warriors;

it gets lots of votes for authoritarian politicians from the Puritanical,
fundamentalist religious retrogrades within the population; it gives "law
enforcement" agencies source of income via forfeited property so that
corporations don't have to chip in with equitable taxes;

it creates a "holy" distraction from REAL crimes against people and their
environment perpetrated by corporate and government entities;

it gives the manufacturers of untested or barely-tested synthetic
pharmaceuticals a virtual monopoly of the market;

it keeps hemp out of the hands of farmers so that trees can be stolen from
the public for paper and building material;

it leaves many farmers with little option but to turn land over to
developers or ag-biz;

it gives an excuse to search and monitor citizens who are traveling;

it eliminates the good example of hemp as a non-toxic, pesticide-free
agricultural product; it removes great numbers of "disobedient" people from
voting roles;

it allows kids to be kicked out of public schools;

it leaves pesticide-drenched cotton and synthetic fabrics as the materials
of use for most of the population;

and by its cruelty, ignorance and gross insensitivity to humanity, it
terrorizes the entire population to all the better limit opposition to the
business-uber-alles authorities.

The War on Drugs, especially on marijuana, STILL benefits the alcohol
industry which was one of the promoters of the prohibition in the first
place. And booze is just about the prime excuse for the intense police
presence on the highways... "for our protection," of course, like most
authoritarian policies.

Corporations that benefit greatly are: pharmaceuticals, the
oil/petro-chemical industry, logging, pulp, paper, chlorine, pesticides,
security, military contractors, private prisons and all prison
construction, cotton, corporate farming, waste disposal, liquor, insurance,
developers, energy (hemp being a source of biomass-energy) and the
corporate media that enjoys various business relationships with all of the

The War on Marijuana is so zealously waged NOT because the narcs want to
protect us from ourselves and from natural plants but because pot is a BIG
competitive threat to some of the most powerful (and most toxic and
environmentally-destructive industries).

The War on Drugs has also succeeded in weakening the left/progressive side
by making many afraid to open their mouths about the horrors caused by the

Many fear being accused of SEEMING to be "potheads" or "drug pushers" or
WORSE, "relics of the 60s."

Many fear being investigated by the feds it they utter a peep of complaint
and, therefore, do harm to their own integrity and trustworthiness.

Many fear losing their base of economic support from the white middle-class
if they too openly condemn the Drug War oppression of black or Latino people.

And the inevitable violence, money-laundering, tax evasion and other
spin-off crimes created by the illegality of the drug business gives the
authorities MORE excuses to "get tough" and intensify their war.

And sadly, many community groups are convinced to JOIN the authorities in
their War on Drugs out of desperation in dealing with the EFFECTS of the

Pretty nifty, no?

What to do?

Well, at LEAST check the campaign funding of all officials who "fight
drugs" and the economic backers of groups who do the same. Look for
bankers, insurance companies and other investors too.

At least expose the ECONOMIC motives for their insane, oppressive programs
and expose their hypocrisy when they tolerate and facilitate TRULY harmful
crimes against people or their environment.

Any prosecutor, legislator or judge who has an interest in the businesses
which benefit by drug prohibition MUST be required to recuse themselves
from active participation.

Any prosecutor, legislator or judge who has religious bias against natural
"drugs" must also be asked to disqualify themselves from official capacity.

It's a Constitutional issue.

At the same time, do NOT help corporate authoritarians by perpetuating the
idea that the War on Drugs is a Failure and, therefore, insane. People tend
to be DEFERENTIAL to insane maniacs.

They OBEY them out of fear of insane retaliation. And the more people who
get the idea that Law Enforcement agencies are stupid morons, the more who
will end up in their clutches when they assume the authorities are stupid
morons who can be easily scammed.

The system is SMART and has NOT created the insane-LOOKING "war on drugs"
by accident.

Remember that the most effective terrorism, for the purpose of controlling
the population, is the most arbitrary and unjust.

What harmless, socially-beneficial citizen would be controlled if only
HARMFUL criminals were prosecuted?

Checked-by: Richard Lake
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